Posts by Simon Grigg

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  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    that most of the voices speaking are incapable of comprehending the position of copyright holders. that must make the skilled debaters out there feel very proud indeed.

    Or it could be the opposite Rob, they got the obvious absurdity of it and how it belittled copyright to the detriment of most copyright owners, which I think is the real point, and you missed it.

    To my mind many of the arguments you've made here could diminish the value of copyright, at least the copyright I've tried to create over thirty years, which requires life and interactive energy. One one hand you praise people like myself for our independent spirit and such, and on the other you argue fervently for the corporate suffocation of the arts we all fought so ardently against.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    Should they dismantle their protection so that primary school teachers can have a crisp digital copy of a chunk of barney for their kids to dance to?

    As Russell says, the law is already there that allows for the use of the DVDs (and if someone can't think of a use for DVDs beyond Barney even at elementary level then they must've been asleep for the past decade or so). Fair Use exists, this is more about defining how that can be applied.

    I think they are. that's what all the smirking was about wasn't it.

    I think smirk is rather understating it. It was a pretty universal belly laugh. The only voices I've found supporting the MPPA on this anywhere seem to be on this thread. Even some of their members distanced themselves in some embarrassment.

    The other irony is that MPAA used VLC in their demonstration, software that is written to defeat copy protection.

    This thread aside, I think the MPAA has quietly dropped the copy by camera concept and hopes that everyone else forgets too.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Week,

    Yeah, I missed that too. Although Hal did once storm through to have words after I'd played 'Let the Music Play' by Shannon one too many times.

    Ha, we used to get that at BFM in the mid eighties when Roger P and I would do our Saturday afternoon dance show.

    I had to ban MC from playing Bob Seger in the flat too. I'd threaten him with Orange Juice's L.O.V.E. Love and it would work everytime

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Week,

    Simon, I'd be proud to host a 'Stories' discussion here, under a guest post by you about the Box/Celebre years. Feel free to think of any other way we could help the gig ..

    Sounds like a fab idea if you are up for it Russell...and thoroughly and humbly appreciated too

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Week,

    It will probably be the last big-arsed motorway, anywhere in the world, to be shoehorned through suburbs where there has been no route protection.

    Only if you consider Asia ain't part of the world. Plenty of motorway projects are likely to trample through poorer 'burbs in this part of the world in the years to come.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Week,

    Those nostalgic Box and Celebre pix are great, Simon, ta.

    Mostly taken by my wife when she was doing the social shots for Monitor and BiFim. There are hundreds more but they're tucked away in a box or two somewhere in her parents attic we think. It's gonna be a fun gathering, almost like a family reunion.

    Innocent days

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Week,

    I sometimes wonder what that part of the modern high rise, that occupies the site now, feels like?

    It's a bank so probably just as desolate at times.

    I remember the spot well. There is a similar spot between Queen and Elliot St, or at least there was, between Smith & Caughey and what is now mid city, but was an old 19th Century pub and the courtyard had been bricked in. I'd been doing some work in S&C (don't ask) When we climbed down the old fire escape into it, it looked like it hadn't seen people for decades and there were some ancient (empty) beer bottles. It felt like we'd gone back a century.

    Like Darby St, all gone now of course, along with the bulk of 19th Century inner AK in a Tizard Flash. I don't think anything of the city I grew up in exists now.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Week,

    Rheineck is still

    made? I didn't know that. We don't get it in Bali

    ...and a power of Motown,

    I think you came along after the Bob Seger era. It was not an easy time upstairs in Darby Street. Hal, Mark and Ngila all had words. Dave Perkins, may he rest, wasn't quite so fussed.


    the labyrinth old skool coffee shop under Darby Street had killer steak and cheese pies (in that the fat in them would likely get you in the end)

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Week,

    near their shop whenever we had enough money from mail orders on Duran Duran books - ta Murray!

    I felt we were well due the dinners since a) we'd had to listen to Murray's Duran Duran and Bob Seeger records, and, b) We were the ones who had to pack the bloody things up and take them to the Wellesley St PO.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Week,

    If you want a nice shirt, go to Strangely Normal. They're wicked.

    agreed, I live in them (saves on rent). I get asked all the time where I buy my shirts, so much so I'd thought about asking Michael and Claire for cards.

    I'm not sure about 5th Ave, they always look a little too much like the knockoffs you see in the markets here. I know they're not, but it's a bloody fine line...

    And why is this sort of labelled stuff so much more to buy in NZ than anywhere else (Dubai aside)?

    If you happen to go to Strangely Normal you could always pick up one of the last cheapo tickets to this:

    Shameless plug

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

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