Posts by Sacha
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The may if you play in a rawk band. I'm not even going to apologise for that tenuous threadjack. Pixies playing here - downright awesome.
At least in Auckland we have a nice mayor.
Oh for the irony tag.
We've been keeping the thread warm for you.
And doesn't the word "monocle" go smashingly with "plinth" - from a certain recent tattoo.
the gangsters will actually just not bother wearing their patches in town, and the town could be a bit safer
There's some logic missing there. I doubt public safety will be improved at all.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Grey Lynn, then, Gareth?
Thank goodness Karl is an acclaimed voice artiste when not saving th world in code. :)
Must be time to go wash my hair.
How about that weather, then..
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