Posts by Hadyn Green

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  • Speaker: Apathy is where the heart is,

    Isn't the music just The Exponents greatest hits? Although I'll admit never understanding why they play that terrible "Oh Ah, wanna be my girl" song.

    They should play old school funk, that'd be awesome.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Apathy is where the heart is,

    @Legbreak: Dude I was was dead serious about focus groups. I think it's the best way to get feedback from the public. It's why movies have test audiences.

    And sorry for bringing up the rugby again.

    @Richard: I heard the other night (through Dropkick Megan) that as the NZRU is basically an exporter of a product, the economy hasn't been so great for them. Perhaps an economic downturn will be good for rugby.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Apathy is where the heart is,

    The answer to the NZRU's popularity problems does lie with the fans. I've not heard of the NZRU doing anything like a focus group or a survey or anything.

    Does anybody know of the NZRU doing any kind of market research that doesn't revolve around making more money but engaging fans?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Apathy is where the heart is,

    Paul: the TV timeouts are relatively new in American football. A couple of minutes to restart after each score; a timeout at 2 minutes before the end of each half and the division of the game into quarters (with a stoppage). All of these things help TV stations who want to show the games, as you can tell your advertisers that their ads will be shown during the game.

    But then there's basketball, that has hardly any stoppages. So go figure.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Conditioning for Conditioning…,

    Hey everyone, sorry, I was stuck in a meeting all day, what are we talking!

    Well first of all I went through the report and straight after read the IRB analysis of the World Cup. The documents aren't exactly contradictory but aren't entirely aligned either. Here's my review (plug plug).

    As for making the Air NZ Cup amateur, I have to say I'm against it. I'm more for selling shares of the clubs (but not the whole thing!) to business people. I feel that retainers wouldn't do enough to encourage good players to come through.

    I' am also the reason Richard said he didn't want corporates in rugby. In the meeting I mentioned above we were all laughing that the All Blacks didn't have a project manager for the 2007 world cup. They didn't have someone making sure that the "four pre-conditions for a successful conditioning programme" were completed.

    Considering the large amount of money and fan commitment involved, I'd rather have someone who understood what they were doing and wasn't working to some false sense of what it means to be "a rugby player, mate".

    However, having said that, I also don't want some corporate (coughSKYcough) telling me that bonus points and endless games against Australia are what I want to see. So business folk handle the preparation and meetings and that stuff. Rugbyheads for all the rest of it. And somewhere I get paid for the idea (too much to ask?)

    Also don't miss the Dropkicks scoop on the new All Black's uniform (plug plug)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: Icon Identities,

    The thing that annoyed me about the (weak) climate change story was that Espiner didn't actual ask "what is your position on climate change", because then they might have to say something other than the form answer.

    And didn't reporters chase Maori Labour MPs around during the seabed and foreshore debate?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: Call it what you like,

    According to an email I just received from a workmate this is Schizophrenia Awareness Week. So if people feel like doing something maybe there's something there.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: Call it what you like,

    Finn was an awesome musician and composer and regular commenter on quite a few forums. His presence will be missed in many places on the internet.

    That line in the Stuff article:

    By 7.30 that night, Mr Higgins again grew agitated. His girlfriend tried to physically restrain him, hugging him to her for more than half an hour to stop him leaving.

    damn near floored me this morning.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Island Life: Get over it,

    I never understand the "petrol prices are high so we should lower the tax" idea.

    You drive, so you spend money on petrol, hence you pay tax, which goes to helping you drive more. Of course it'd be nice if the tax went towards letting you drive less, but that's by the by.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: Laying Down the Law,

    Nice post on Sportsfreak

    Yeah I know, it was just what came to mind, when I thought about the "corporate emails" I get.

    @the world at large
    The ELVs (or "elves") don't seem to have made much of a difference in terms of game speed to me. Does anyone have stats on game stoppages that we can look at?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

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