Posts by Hadyn Green

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  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    some kinda futuristic Sci-Fi scenario

    And it is actually the opening scene of Cherry 2000. The story of which involves a man discovering that a real woman is better than a robot. I'm not sure if that's relevant to this or not.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    It would just be nice if everyone took a little more responsibility for their own alcohol/drug consumption and sexuality.

    Are you asking 18 year olds to that or us? Because if you want youth to do it, I think you've got a heck of a task.

    (I just realised I was assuming that there were no "young folk" here, sorry to offend, I'll get back to my zimmer frame)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    My internet went down and when it came back i got to read the really great discussion by Lucy et al. (Much love to the PAS XV!)

    I had a read through and these comments were what struck me:

    The problem is that the first response to this sort of thing is always, always "women should do/not do x" rather than "why are we teaching men it's okay to have sex with someone who's too drunk to give consent".

    The premise for drunk driving is that you're not capable of driving while drunk; the premise for being raped while drunk is at least partially that you are incapable of giving consent while drunk.

    What I began to think about is, is there a point where someone is too drunk to notice that consent has been withdrawn? Their judgment is impaired (much like it would be if they were driving) and they may not be able to tell if the situation has changed. Obviously if she says "no" there's no excuse, but if it's more subtle then maybe in an inebriated state you might not pick it up.

    I don't believe that this is any kind of exoneration but is it something to consider? Is it accidental rape? (Note: I'm not sure if I believe this myself, but it might add to the discussion)

    rugby players, or 'thugby" as they call it in melbourne, seem to actually fulfill the negative stereotypes much more than other men though.

    I think it's men in team situations full stop. There's lots of unsavoury stories about all sorts of male sports teams.

    Yet the only sportsperson I can think of who was actually found guilty of rape is Mike Tyson (I know there will be others) and he plays an individual sport (or did at the time).

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    Should women be more wary of the situation with rugby players (or sportspeople) than with other guys? Probably not.

    There's something to do with chemicals and biology here. More athletic looking men are more attractive to women, but have more testosterone which can make them more aggressive.

    The girl didn't have to be more wary of the men just because they were rugby players, but she needed to be aware of the situation as a whole. As soon as she didn't want to be in the situation and made it known to the others then the responsibility to stop is not with her but with the players.

    Whether her ex-boyfriend told her to go to the hospital and the police is a red-herring. Whether anyone else sold their story is also irrelevant.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    It's so cool that all the ideas being discussed here are what I left out on purpose hoping they'd be discussed.

    I'd be angry if the All Blacks were to act like this on tour. They'd be representing their country, and I wouldn't expect them to celebrate a defeat with binge drinking and dubious sexual behaviour.

    Dan Carter and Ali Williams were two of the All Blacks also drinking at the Pony Club with the English players. Both have said they will cooperate fully with the police if asked to.

    Do we all recall Dan's infamous cell phone photos with young ladies in London when he was meant to be in Cardiff? While it was a bit of a slap on the wrist nobody asked what happened after the photos (except maybe his girlfriend).

    The Duke lacrosse team also threw up some interesting dynamics. University groups and academics at the school assumed the team were guilty and vilified them.

    I heard about the resolution because I'm a bit of ESPN sportscenter/PTI junkie

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    and look at me forgetting how to format a link: In fact I was more revolted at reveling in the sordid details of Sophie Lewis' evening with the "sexual energizer bunny" only days after they wrote about topless football in Austria.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    but how about we give the young girl the same courtesy? in other words, let's not assume she's an extortionist or a liar until she is proved to be so.

    And that is why I rewrote this post so much. My default position was that she was telling the truth and that the players were lying. My reasoning being: if you were innocent why not cooperate with the police?

    Then my partner said if she was in the same position as the players and was innocent she'd be terrified of the police.

    I haven't noticed the media being too harsh on the girls but perhaps I just wasn't sensitive enough to the criticism. In fact I was more revolted at reveling in the sordid details of Sophie Lewis' evening with the "sexual energizer bunny" only days after they <a href="">wrote about topless football in Austria</a>.

    Funnily enough a lot of reports are saying "good riddance to bad rubbish" as the English leave, and I read that as having something to do with the rape allegations, turns out they were commenting on the quality of the rugby.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    Cool, coz while your handsome and all, I don't fancy pashing you.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: New Sky,

    Oh but before any of that, you have to pass the initiation. And believe me, that's no walk in the park

    I hope you're not scared of goats...

    I can provide goats, the badgers might be harder to find though ....

    But the badgers represent the dream of central urban design! (though I'm not sure why that means they have to be stuffed into your trousers)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: New Sky,

    Hee hee

    Paul I don't know if you did this on purpose but here is a list of all your acronyms: OB (and thanks to everyone for the explanations), OTA PVR, DIY, PC, CD, FV, MPEG4, TV, NZ, DVB-T, EPG, US, QAM, DVB, ATSC., I'll just guess the ones I don't know this time. :)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

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