Posts by FletcherB

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  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: all the fault…,

    Not relevant to KDC, but may I ask.....

    Australians living permanently in NZ...

    What is their legal residency status?

    They have no visa, no permit, no paperwork at all from any govt department.... just an arrival stamp in their passport.... they can stay for a few days and call it a holiday, or stay for years....

    Presumably this is described where your article has (b) [not relevant] ?


    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: We need an Inquiry!, in reply to Idiot Savant,

    Thanks for the correction... more info is always good.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: We need an Inquiry!, in reply to Idiot Savant,

    So, GCSB have provided assistance to police at least 58 times over the past 3 years.

    Thats a jump too far from what we’ve been told….

    GCSB have surveilled 58 targets…. possibly most of them of their own “National Security” gumption rather than police request?

    55 of them their legal ability to do so is not in question (according to them), and three they are investigating more closely to see if they fit the rules or not.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: Questions and Answers, in reply to mark taslov,

    Assuming the case against Dotcom eventually gets thrown out, would the government be liable for his legal expenses? (€2.6 million+)

    Legal Expenses schmegal expenses.... what about the death of a company (reputedly) valued around $1 billion. (Mega Uploads)

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: Questions and Answers,

    Yes, but I thought the emails were presented in support of the seizure warrants no? (according to the way news reports were presented)
    So they had the email contents BEFORE they had (legal) physical access to the hardware?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: Questions and Answers, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    The system is quite simple – there are two main classes of visa, resident and temporary.

    I'm trying to figure out if I qualify as a "foreign national", "resident" or something else.... (I am in practice resident- but what's my legal status?)

    I'm of Australian birth, and have an Australian Passport, but have lived in NZ for three quarters of my life... When I return from (infrequent and short) trips abroad, theres a special box for me to tick... I'm "exempt from having to apply" for a Visa...

    Does that mean I have one automatically, or is it some other previously not mentioned status (can't see a reference to Australians in that link or the other branches from it's parent directory"?

    Can the GCSB spy on Aussies permanently living in NZ without a resident visa? :)

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reviews: #NZGT and the Herald,

    Can someone explain the (irrational?) hatred for comic sans to me?

    Is it from over-use or use in inappropriate settings?

    Is it a snobbish “I wouldn’t be seen dead using it” or is there something fundamentally “wrong” about it that makes it a poor font in ways that are not wrong with gothic, times new roman, ariel or a zillion other common fonts?

    I dont love it, and but I cant see why so many hate it so much? It’s just another font to me.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reviews: #NZGT and the Herald, in reply to Gareth Ward,

    Or that the margin of error on the poll is 3.6%…

    Frequently that may be the case... but this was referring to the 2011 election.... margins of error are presumed not to exist once all the votes have been counted.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Media3: PIF, Paralympics, and…,

    Re- Paralympics coverage…

    Is there ANY on free to air?

    I dont have Sky but still got plenty of Olympics coverage on Prime and 1+3 News…

    I hear on the RadioNZ news that we have 12+ medals, more than half gold, and I have yet to see a single awards ceremony or winning goal or finish crossing on the news or in other coverage. (I’m not saying my search has been exhaustive, but I had hoped to stumble across some just flicking channels).

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Up Front: Choice, Bro, in reply to simon g,

    Memo to our MPs: Martin Luther King’s speech is remembered, and it’s not because he said “I am at this time not opposed to having a conversation about the issues around a dream”. Would you like us to remember you?


    But then, he got shot rather than elected again, which is what most of them are aiming for...

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

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