Posts by FletcherB

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  • Speaker: Selling the Dream: The Art of…,

    Also note in the original post how a couple of the volcanos are depicted in (mild) eruption… Maybe not the best time to visit?

    Trying to scare people off?

    Can you imagine a “visit New York” poster illustrated with a mugging?
    Hey its just a possible highlight… you probably wont actually get murdered.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Speaker: Selling the Dream: The Art of…,

    I love the kitsch juxtaposition of the posters at probably best linked to earlier by Chris W.

    A picture of a lake, with the name of the lake.
    A picture of a bird with the name of the bird.
    A picture of a flower with the name of the flower.
    A picture of a farming activity with the name of the activity.
    A picture of a "dusky Maori maiden" with the word "Fascinating".


    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Future shock for the media,

    And then you get the silliness where what was once an acronym becomes the name, and the marketing department refuses to admit or acknowledge that the letters actually mean or stand for anything.

    I used to work for a company called NCR. That was it's name, and it did not stand for National Cash Register, no-siree!

    ASB does not stand for Auckland Savings Bank. (how could it, its called ASB Bank and no one would be silly enough to call it Auckland Savings Bank Bank would they? :)

    Nor NZI Insurance, or KPMG-Peat Marwick Group.... oh hang-on, that WAS their name before they realized how redundant it was and dropped back to just KPMG. Does anyone even remember what the K stood for? Oh thats right, it doesn't stand for anything, the letters are the name.

    sorry- pet peeve, could you guess?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Time will tell,

    Watching (on Prime) the cross-country (second) part of the three-day horsey event (yeah, I'm good with official titles)... on several occasions the commentators had to point out that we should ignore the clock on the screen as that pertained to a rider/horse we'd been watching earlier... in several instances you could see a counter displaying five or seven minutes while viewing a horse/rider that only just started while you were watching in the last minute or two....

    That seems like a somewhat minor, and understandable glitch in the timing/TV production technical hoe-down that obviously involves lots of data, lots of vision feeds, somewhat error-prone human beings etc.... Except it's not an issue I recall experiencing at Beijing, Atlanta, or in fact any other Olympics with live satellite feeds that I recall in the last 20+ years...

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: John Banks: The volunteer did…, in reply to Bart Janssen,

    It must be hard for the genuinely honest and passionate politicians

    I genuinely hope such things exist, but a cynical mind would suggest that doubts remain.... certainly, evidence to the contrary (in individual examples) is wide-spread.
    How wide-spread does the taint of power seeking and self aggrandizement, or just telling little porkies to help embellish a valid argument have to be (to say nothing of outright lies and corruption in this particular case) have to be before you right them ALL off, as not worth trusting 100%?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Up Front: Let's Talk About Sex, Baby, in reply to JoJo,

    "Sexbloggers don’t get to assume the moral high ground. Ever. What they do for a living is incredibly damaging to women”

    Which also patently ridiculous because… most of them don’t “make their living” from it…

    So, being a scientist, factory-worker, teacher, middle-manager, dentist, garbage collector or whatever, is "damaging to women" in some way that other people doing the same job isn’t, simply because you happen to sex-blog in your spare time?

    Yeah, that makes a lot of sense?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Field Theory: JK is back,

    Where did Graham Henry coach before Auckland?

    I know he coached two of the best high-school teams in the country (he also happened to be the Principal of the second).

    That seemed to turn out quite well, but not exactly the sort of apprenticeship you (Warwick) seem to be suggesting is required for consideration, no?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Drunk Town, in reply to Joe Wylie,

    by making “noises like a prehistoric bird"

    Hmmm.... that seems like a very hard charge to prove (or defend).

    There is some chance that it's an accurate accusation... but I'm not aware of any pre-historic audio recordings, of birds, their pre-cursors in the evolutionary chain, or in-fact anything before about approximately 100 years ago.

    How would we know what those birds sounded like?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: The not-so-Evil Empire,

    Bart, If I buy one of these sat-navs with free car attached.... and a sat-nav upgrade comes out (new streets added to the map, or similar)..... whether the upgrade is free or cost $5000...... the car should not stop working if I decline the offer...

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Muse: Postcard from Cylon-Occupied…,

    It would appear they are not just any tube steaks.

    Should I be proud, or hide in shame?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

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