Posts by Hadyn Green

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  • Hard News: A lot of money and a bit rich,

    Shaun Summerfield's good though

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: A lot of money and a bit rich,

    Leg Break: TV3 don't want us to know anything about Hamish McKay. Check this out: the Presenters.

    Good god, a repeat of Grant Fox's half time "stats" and Wheton who makes Frank Bunce look like a South American football commentator.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: A lot of money and a bit rich,

    Not only did they bid while knowing about the ad ban they presold their sponsorship packages knowing about the ad ban.

    As for Hamish McKay...well Russell already linked to my thoughts. But on the dropkicks we used to have a Hamish McKay watch to see exactly what dumb ass thing he was going to say next. My absolute favourite was his conversations with Frank Bunce at halftime: an exhuberant man with no charisma talking to a quiet man with no insight.

    Best commentary team was Ian Jones and Todd Blackadder with Nathan Rarere on the sideline (which actually happened once!).

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Stories: Employment Lore,

    A friend of mine did his PhD in Sociology in the States. His thesis involved interviewing workers at strip bars and massage parlours. He said that, with no exception, if your girlfriend said she was only the receptionist at one of those places she was definitely more than that.

    He also said that by even involving sex workers in his study he was ostracised by the other sociologists at his university. They didn't mind that he was gay (and flamingly so), but talk to prostitutes and they'll shun you.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: Brimful on the 45,

    Many Happy Returns Mr Brown!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: Just some links, really,

    remember the DKD's Fish in a Bowl?

    Yes, though I never had one. On my first date with my partner we went to DKD and she got a Fish in a Bowl. It was too rich and she couldn't drink it, but I was freaking out. "Why isn't she drinking it?! Oh shit she hates me! Better do something cool to impress her." etc etc

    Someone not been to Spain then. The coffee there is the best and most overlooked.

    I'll go you one better, Portugal. Brazilian coffee served slowly and often with Port. Once you've had a Portuguese gallao (sp?) you'll never want a latte again.

    something about coffee in London.

    A discovery form my trip last year was a cafe called Sacred just off Carnaby St that was run by Kiwis and had free wifi.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Island Life: Books are our friends,

    Why is Dan Brown considered so bad?

    It is worse than most pulp. Awful characterisation, things happening for no reason, idiotic mono/dialogue, romance springs from nowhere. It's like the worst Hollywood movie (hence it became one of the worst Hollywood movies).

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Island Life: Books are our friends,

    I was reading The Code on the bus one day and the woman sitting in front of me turned around and said (with some enthusiasm) "it's great isn't it?!"

    I didn't have the heart to tell her I was reading it solely for the pop-culture references and that no, it was awful. The next week I was reading Midnight's Children. No one said anything to me.

    ps. what's in the vid? Some work places frown upon video watching (but not forum commenting).

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: Just some links, really,

    Does Simply Paris on Cuba St still have it's icky Nescafe "Nespresso" machine? (SP's only flaw IMHO)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Stories: Employment Lore,

    At the Interview:
    My best ever interview was for my first "real" job. Of the two guys interviewing my one had trimmed his moustache really badly and it was really uneven. The other guy had...something about him, which escapes me know but was equally attention grabbing. So I spent the whole interview desperately not trying to stare. Then they asked me: "so why didn't you do a lot of uni papers in 1997 or 1999? Were you studying part time? My response: No I just failed a lot.

    They laughed and offered me the job. (I turned them down because they wanted me to live in Christchurch for 3 years)

    As I Left:
    After being bullied for months by a particularly nasty manager, that I now call "Cu*stance" (where *=n), I was able to tell her that I was leaving for another position. Her response: You little shit.

    Best Job:
    I didn't get paid but me and a friend got to use sledgehammers to smash up an office that was going to be refurbished. Wooooooo!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

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