Posts by Hadyn Green

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  • Hard News: Here and There,

    congrats on one thundy Merc

    And with no offence to Mssrs Baron and Jones
    (pulls fingers and blows raspberry)

    "do [Portugal] really want to play New Zealand"
    According to their coach they do, which (non-New Zealand) rugby player wouldn't?

    I wonder if the four "financial powerhouses" of rugby would do so well if the All Blacks decided to stop touring? There was some talk a while back that the All Blacks wanted some revenue sharing when they toured as the crowds tended to be bigger when they were playing.

    I also don't understnad the idea behind "if we don't let teams play at the highest level somehow they will get better". Just look at Bangladesh in the cricket. They aren't great but they have punched above their belt on many occaisions and have gotten much better of the last few years.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: Here and There,

    oh, and go the ABs. and, listen to the dropkicks, you bastards.

    Nice work Che, subtle too.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Island Life: An appetite for scandal,

    The Herald's website reports this morning that a rugby player named Chris Jack and his wife have just had their first baby.

    That's far more fluffy news than Millie Elder being in court, yet no one gets outraged that the media are reporting the commonplace occurance of a birth.

    Fluffy?!?! This means Jack might just be able to play against South Africa this weekend! This is HUGE news!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Island Life: An appetite for scandal,

    I have (rather proudly) not read anything about this story except a caption under a photo describing her as "Millie Elder". Paul can't have disowned her already?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Cracker: Any questions?,

    You get google hits for "Andrew Llewellyn Crackhead"?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Island Life: Child's play,

    Ha! Has anyone else got the Emirates ad on the side?

    How apt.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Cracker: Any questions?,

    Andrew Llewellyn - crackhead who eats babies?

    That's what I said too!

    Um, Damian, surely you meant to write:

    I'd bet my house that {REMOVED} has never used heroin

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Cracker: Any questions?,

    Heh, ever read the story from the Onion's department of Libel?
    "Drew Carrey Killed Guy and Paid to Have it Covered Up".

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Island Life: Child's play,

    (Hadyn walks up to the mic and coughs nervously, well aware that he is still at the "one coffee" stage of the morning, he starts slowly...)

    Well, soccer...

    (Hadyn scuttles away and has another coffee. With renewed vigour he returns to to e-podium)

    ...excuse me, "football" is not as diverse as it first seems. I wrote a post a while back about how I could really do without cricket, a great reply came back:

    A lot of people play [football], but notice how they are mostly Catholic. Rugby Union & League are for the rich and poor Anglicans respectively. Only Cricket is played by such a range of different religions, from the Muslims in Pakistan (and welcome to international cricket, the all conquering Bangladesh), to the range of religions in India, the pious poms, and the ex-fascist South Africa.

    …If not for cricket, we wouldn't have feet to march with. Worship cricket. For it is a merciful and forgiving god.

    Football is played by more people and does get some sponsorship but the reason we tend to put funding into rugby is that, you may have noticed, we're pretty bloody good at it. Also the NZRU is too bloody minded to figure out how to fund the game so we have to rely somewhat on SPARC.

    * You can throw money at what we're good at to stay good at it or
    * You can throw money at what we're not good at and try and even the whole thing up.
    And as this is sport,and not say health, let's just specialise and be bloody good at rugby (the amount of rugby funding is an issue to be strongly debated as is the contribution of the NZRU).

    I don't really want to mention the Aisian apsect of the conversation except to say ... "and?" As far as I'm aware schools do not get sports funding based on students likes and dislikes. Maybe at a national level but not school by school. And anyway WTF? They can't afford footballs and badminton racquets at R'toto?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: Modern Endeavour,

    Merc: what did Patti put where the * is?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

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