Posts by Grant McDougall

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  • Hard News: Never mind the quality ..., in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    Craig, thanks for clarifying that. It amazes me that Slater has kept his grudge for so long and is simply unable to respect a basic democratic process.

    I'd assumed there'd been some sort of major incident between them and / or their friends, but Slater really is being a sore loser if that's what it's all about.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Never mind the quality ...,

    Why does Slater and his cabal so dislike Michelle Boag so much ? Any particular reason, or is it purely a clash if personalities ?

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Never mind the quality ...,

    The UBS's display of Dirty Politics has a great gimmick: a pile of sick-bags and a sign saying "FREE SICK-BAG with Dirty Politics (in case a sense of nausea over-whelms you !)."

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics,

    National's campaign launch is this Sunday. I wouldn't be surprised if @whaledump releases more e-mails either just before or after Key's speech, in order to take any gloss off it and to keep the pressure on.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: We can do better than this,

    Considering his overt, long-standing backing of the Nats, Mike Hosking's e-mails in recent years' would make interesting reading too, given recent revelations.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Never mind the quality ...,

    Hooray !

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics,

    As an aside, I suppose it's too early for me to nominate "dirty" as the PA word-of-the-year ?

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics,

    If National win the election, Key's in a real Catch-22 situation with Collins. If he grows a pair and demotes here, he then runs the risk of her spitting the dummy and attempting to replace him sooner or later. But if he doesn't demote here, then he'll have to carry on fobbing off questions over her integrity.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics,

    The guy who runs the Ruminator blog says that when he was a civil servant he was pressured to respond to Slater's OIO request ASAP

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics,

    No reputable media organisation should be using him as a commentator.

    I just shook my head in despair when Jim Mora introduced him on the panel yesterday.

    RNZ National banned Martin "Bomber" Bradbury from The Panel due to his alleged bias, I hope they also ban Williams for the same reason.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

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