Posts by robbery

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  • Hard News: In the Music,

    Sadly though, reciting your poetry can get you killed.
    Baxter was a good poet and look what we did for him.

    gee merc, you sure no how to put a depressing mood over an otherwise "up' thread....

    sorry, already got my coat, forgot my hat......

    interesting point that Federico apparently went knowingly into a situation that was going to get him killed. as a pacifist, or coward I wish people would make their point without bloodshed, although I suppose their point is made a million times stronger in that manner.

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,


    smirk plus 10,
    you don't do this sort of thing professionally somewhere do you?
    I'd be into reading it.

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    "try recording some of your poetry over looped beats and maybe you can be a rapper! :)"

    do it in tune and call it a song, then you can apply for,.....

    sorry, I'll get my coat...... :)

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    I'm completely over this discussion

    I was completely over it about two pages back.

    I was over it after my first comment but felt the need to defend myself in an ever downward spiral. hopefully another side to this black and white story came through somewhere around dark grey.

    The good news is this will be digitally archived (if russell doesn't delete it) for future generations to wonder at, oh joy.....

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    spinner if you're still reading this bloated thread and I sure hope you've got heavy speaker bins to lug or something instead

    if your unable to see the difference between the SATIRICAL entertainment basis of the Today show etc and the factually incorrect, outright lies, and deception of Moores "Documentaries" (as entertaining as they may seem) then you really are "the missing link....goodbye!"

    moore quite clearly states his 'documentaries' are intended to be entertainment, with a message. he represents himself on the covers of his movies as a clown,
    yes, the topics he discusses are serious but he is not painting himself as a bbc style dry doco thing, and last time I check the news of today matches and beats him on manipulation and 'creative' editing.
    The recent bbc queen doco being a perfect example that got them a mighty slap. But you're right, he sure is overweight.

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    merc, do you every get asked to 'play' one we know at 'gigs'?
    as per musicians and their hits or the work of geroge thorogood

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    Hhehe, yeah but I'm a really heavy poet maan <Neil the hippy voice, not Rick the People's Poet).

    That's ok then, that's almost like art or something innit?

    And besides, I'm totally in it for the money, meh.

    well it is a good career move, apparently they tell you that at school these days. (subjective, not meant to be read as actually quoting a govt statistic that they do actually tell you that at school these days)

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    ps, and don, thanks for that link. its easy to forget what a really good band the sex pistols were underneath all they hype of punk attitude.
    I'm enjoying watching all those clips right now. catchy as a beatles re hash?? no comment

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    Let me jog your memory.

    noted, but the sex pistols are really catchy tunes sung with a snarl, and a large chunk of lyrical attitude.
    Finn is not that in his current music, but at the same period in time as the sex pistols he in a band that the sex pistols though were weird freaks. that's got to count for something.

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

  • Hard News: In the Music,

    I have a confession, I'm not a writer...<whispers>...I'm a poet.

    oh well, that's completely different then.

    As for my comment re: pay for it out of their own money...I rescind that, I've got no problems with an archive that I give two of each of my books to, it's been done already and they don't chase you down, heh, rampant arcivista's coming for teh artworks.

    hahaha, ok then, fair enough, turncoat :)

    new zealand • Since May 2007 • 1882 posts Report

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