Posts by Isabel Hitchings

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  • Hard News: Three months after, in reply to David Haywood,

    the work done so far has been massive; almost unbelievably so. We just have lots more of the same still to go.

    While the response has not always been perfect and I am an impatient soul who wants it all better now, a phenomenal amount of work has been done the task ahead is still unimaginably huge and there are so very many competing needs.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Tuesday Drinks, in reply to Scott A,

    Scott - After dinner as in "not just before I want to taste a bunch of other stuff" rather than "directly after lots of other of complex flavours" but thanks for the tips.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Tuesday Drinks,

    We have a couple of bottles of Rex Attitude in the fridge waiting for the right moment (which from what I've heard is "after dinner and only if you're sure").

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Hard News: Three months after,

    It's the timescale of the rebuild that hits me. I can cope with things being six months or a year away but when people start saying we'll still be getting over this in a decade or more my brain just can't manage.

    Unpredictablilty is hard too. We might be able to flush tomorrow or it could still be months. Ditto for getting our logburner replaced. These things make planning ahead near impossible.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Southerly: That CERA Rumour, in reply to Megan Wegan,

    In fact, I think I ended up with one person, out of the whole world.

    But you got him in multiple roles.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Southerly: That CERA Rumour, in reply to Lilith __,


    If CERA could deliver us a John Barrowman there would be several happy Cantabrians (and also a massive bun-fight).

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Southerly: That CERA Rumour, in reply to Matthew Reid,

    Youth use(d) the buses a lot, to access a lot of stuff they moght not otherwise have – health services, welfare, work etc. Our kids love(d) them a lot and buses were more or less the only way the elderly neighbour across the road went further than the end of the street independently, but faffing around changing buses to get to the other side of town would stop us/her using them.

    My 9yr old was, for the last year, able to get to and from school alone on the bus when required. The sense independence and achievement this gave him and the freedom it afforded all of us was wonderful. It would have been impossible if he'd had to change buses or use shuttles.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Southerly: That CERA Rumour, in reply to Sacha,

    and for whom buses are things that get in the way of cars

    To be fair I am sure some of them are people who habitually walk or cycle (and are childless, ablebodied and of middle years or younger).

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Southerly: That CERA Rumour,

    At the share-an-idea thingie there seemed to be a lot of suggestions for keeping buses out of the CBD with or without connecting shuttle arrangements. I'm fairly sure they all came from people who have never used a bus for anything other than novelty value.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Southerly: That CERA Rumour,

    IIRC there have been rows about getting bus routes through some of CHCH's new subdivisions (Northwood and Regents Park?) because some residents thought buses would bring undesirables into the neighbourhood. It is true that when I bus to visit my friend in Regent's Park the bus is often full of school kids but I'm usually travelling just after 3pm and they usually seem pretty well behaved.

    As a frequent user of buses I'm finding the two-depots-plus-shuttle arrangement problematic. With a central exchange and a couple of suburban ring-routes I was almost always able to get wherever I wanted in a fairly timely manner. Now most trips (and anything time sensitive) are in the too hard basket. I get a bit fired up at swirly rumours about moving public transport to the outskirts of the city.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

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