Posts by Sacha
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Crikey, look what happens when you sleep in around here. Giovanni, thanks for explaining wonderfully the derivation of the name my parents bestowed (and which has certainly caused a fair degree of hassle in my youth along with interesting later opportunities for mistaken identity).
Just imagine a slightly lower voice, Jon. Your stereotypes about gender may also require adjusting accordingly, which can be an interesting process I'm told. Enlightenment comes in many forms..
As for graphic threads, right now I'm imagining Craig as a potty-mouthed circus-master in spangly disco lurex for some reason. I've speculated before that he's a pot o gold for Mr Brown's revenue streams, but probably a source of perpetual disappointment for googlers led astray.
You know the system is corrupt when they say it's too expensive to give voters a paper reciept of their cast ballot. (Yet bank ATM's manage it)
And didn't Diebold make both?
"It's just not that far from Petting to Fucking."
Rofflenui! Bloody good form, Mr Wylie. :)
And I agree with Craig that Labr already had those for whom banker rhymes with voting for the other guys. Genuine undecideds are more likely to have been put off by the unseemly scrabbling for dirt. Own goal.
The Demoness Allegra Geller, prehaps?
I suppose a smaller-caliber pistol would have to fire baby teeth.
I'd find some video if only embedding were working for me..
Russell, where's that coffee stash o yours?
Maybe make one of them a banker, which might provide some useful comparisons with leveraged lending and a regulated market advantage.
Heck, if Apple can make touch screens work cheaply enough to drive the iPhone, etc, then where's the problem?
I have this wonderful vision of young people waiting patiently to enter the booths, with the silence occasionally broken by cries of "Boom! Headshot!"
Hmm. Practical implications. Wonder if they'd also expect chat channels to check what their voting peers were doing?
Heck, I'd forgotten about the space critter. I was tempted to crossthread.
I found Catherine Whassername very combative and wondering if she'd give the same treatment to Clarke.
Know what it sounded like. However, first journo I've heard ask follow up questions properly and not just accept the vanilla evasiveness. I actually reckon Helen would get the same treatment if she behaved that way with Ms Ryan. Basic professional pride, perhaps?
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