Posts by Sacha
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And here I was thinking this thread would logically continue later than others.. :)
I loved that ad! Like Islander, made no impact on my consumption of the product. :)
And how often does the Herald ever agree with me:
Peter Lyons: Free market trip to lower wage future
New Zealand's experiences over the past few decades should be a warning that a pure free market economy exists only in textbook models and the mathematical imaginings of academic economists.
I wonder if it is universal across cultures that early risers are valued? Do worms count everywhere?
lacks in policy-backing to his speeches (publically, even if it really is there in the background) and while that would frustrate me if I was a voter the decision would still be an absolute no-brainer.
That sounds uncannily familiar, locally speaking.
It's the moralistic overtones about morning people being more virtuous that piss me off. Wait until I'm in a position of power and I'll be scheduling meetings at 10pm and see how they like it. :)
Didn't someone post recently about how overly simplistic economic theories tell you what type of people are attracted to become economists? <ducks>
And therefore eminently qualified. :)
Got to love it when the last word in a conversation is Fnahhh. :)
Buzzy Bees for the Deaf, perhaps? :)
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