Posts by Sacha
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Sick of sogginess, I tell ya.
Should have been any weekend in Auckland. :)
A simple ruling for a simple ruler of a simple world.
Here we go again. Dylan, please go and read the comprehensive previous discussion about this.
Veitch has had more than enough opportunity to clear his name if he had wanted to - and instead all we got was whining from him and his supporters club about how much of a victim he has been.
Ian, I always pay attention to the bigger picture and the un-level playing field when it comes to stories like the Veitch one.
Thanks, Alan. Thought I recognised the Judge's name - some people never learn: -
I've struggled amidst work over the weekend to find a story that would add something here, and I haven't. Here are some broader thoughts instead. Sex work is not something I know much about, so I'll leave that for others.
We still live with the traces of a time when women were property and men weren't supposed to feel in public. It comes to the fore when we're talking about power in the sexual domain and the commercialisation of desire. It's played out in our daily lives and the sense we make of them.
Power is tricky and far-reaching. Negotiating it always involves more than one voice, even if most of them are echoes. In more collective or authoritarian communities or groups (like some in this country) it is not the individual's choice that is most important. Autonomy and personal choice are concepts that just do not mean much in some cultures but they shape the story for the ones who write most of the history, latterly the United States.
The best definition of power I ever heard was the ability to control resources on which another's life depends. When you consider all basic human needs, then emotional, social and sexual resources also count.
Women have more control of those resources than is often acknowledged, and they remain a site of contention long after other domains like the workplace. Sexuality is often reduced to reproduction, which is subject to social factors like the basic wish of any human group to perpetuate its existence.
It is no accident that debating sexuality and the shape of social relationships brings out the fundamentalists. It's not something we discuss enough, and many other voices deserve a hearing.
Will someone think of the children..
Wonder when a judge is going to get annoyed enough to charge a conniving legal/pr team for this type of public manipulation on behalf of their client? Or a media outlet for helping them do it?
Yep, still rainin.
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