Posts by Danielle
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Oh look, there she is! Rad!
"you can love John or Paul, but not both"
I'm playing the arse card on the anoraks, because I have enough love for all members of the Beatles *and* Elvis, even in his white flared jumpsuit period.
(I have slightly less love for the Stones, but I do like them.)
She was female, I thought...?
I had my first savings account with ASB/Kashin, too. It brought me back to primary school to hear that name again.
Aw c'mon Danielle. Men juswannafuck, and women want flowers and puppies and romance.
I like puppies *and* booty. Quick! Someone give me a gender test!
Well, that was sort of the problem in the first place...
Ah yes. Good point. I will flip Adric the double bird instead.
And on the first page, someone asks for... an edit button! Heh.
Also, I could not love Thrillington more. It's like I am your Evil Twin McCartney Fan, Graham.
Yay! McCartney! I am, however, sad ('so saaaaaaaaad') that you called 'Another Day' vacuous, because I think it's very pretty indeed.
Oh my god. Tomorrow is September 1. It's Beatles Month!
* Men do have standards, lower generally.
I really, really, really hate 'men are like this, women are like that' John Gray-ism.
In your *face*, Adric!