Posts by Danielle
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And afterwards, I was always called a dyke. ....
"no wonder you are still single when you hate men so much"
I wish one of these dumbfuck assholes would say something original once in while, srsly.
Fucking Adric and his tendrils. What a douchebag. (I often express concern by impotently hurling abuse at inanimate objects.)
I need to toughen up as this is the US.
I feel for you, as Prince (and later Chaka Khan) sang. I generally just try to avoid those topics of conversation to keep the peace (but that's because I'm usually related by birth or marriage to the wackaloon and need to maintain familial relations!). Sometimes, of course, you can't avoid it because the person is determined to Tell You Things, and then you're stuck doing that weird 'trying to keep stuff lighthearted and changing the subject but still vehemently disagreeing' dance. It's very tiring and can be hugely upsetting, particularly if the person says something really *grim* (like advocating bombing Iraq and killing everyone in the entire country because they were 'behind 9/11', which happened to me once). Then you're stuck thinking 'but you were so *nice*! We were eating cheese together! What happened?'
Did you get it back?
Is anyone else singing King Missile's 'Detachable Penis'?
we do not harm or hinder or coerce
Isn't that exactly what we've been saying? I don't understand what you think 'harassment' actually is.
because in a lot of cases the man in question is a mere animal
Isn't that just a copout*, though?
*Whenever I use the word 'copout', I think of the film Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice, in which people call each other copouts in a particularly late-60s sort of way. It makes me giggle.
I contend that a significant number of people in bars at 3 am are by and large trying to create happiness through enacting scenario 1. And that their efforts might unfortunately result in scenario 2.
And so perhaps being 'persistent and aggressive' might not be their best option, then? Because it's annoying at best and scary at worst? Because it's harassment?
You seem to think that no one would ever fuck if someone wasn't acting like a douchebag to someone else. Believe me: I have bonked some people, and they didn't have to harass me to get me to do it. That's what 'active consent' means.
So you've had almost 50 years to accept the concept. All I am trying to say is that behaviour made famous in the 60s still occurs and it is common for people to meet in public spaces for the purposes of carrying it out (try to figure out which spaces). If it offends you or you find it insulting, so be it.
I think you might be confusing two things. Again. Let me lay this out very simply, as one might in a children's story book.
1. People of all sexes and orientations meet in public places and then they fuck and they are happy. Hooray for people fucking!
2. Sometimes, people harass or attack people who do not want to fuck them. This is bad. BOOO for harassment!
You see that these are *different*. Right?
her, er, drawbridge was ready to be lowered
What with this image and Craig's woodchipper one from earlier, I think I'm going to have some freaky, freaky dreams tonight.
Women only. Men get out.
On my second bingo card now. Who's with me?
Ian, that's so the *exact opposite* of what Emma was saying that I'm finding it difficult to work out what it is you're actually reading.