Posts by Raymond A Francis

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  • Southerly: That CERA Rumour,

    I would like to think at the very least with a Chch rebuild they future proof the place so you don't have to get in a car
    We spent a month in provincial France, basic shopping everywhere (5 minutes walk) and the tram system to take you anywhere else
    There is a heap of money available, it would be nice to get it right
    But knowing Christchurch and the way it dealt with Ecan it will be squabble, squabble and very little progress

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Southerly: That CERA Rumour,

    One of my worries about Christchurch and its inhabitants (and I apologise to Emma right now for not remembering to think of her and the rest of the inhabitants feelings) is the effect of the on-going stress from to whole experience
    Two big shakes, 1000s aftershakes the death and destruction, people are just frazzled beyond belief and that is not going to change soon

    When it comes to rebuilding as long as the risks are spelled out clearly and that includes the chances from flooding with the thought of future sea rise, build where you like (within the bounds of good taste, as defined by the owner)

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Southerly: That CERA Rumour,

    Nice one David
    i have always thought it maddness that Christchurch was mostly built on a swampy fertile land while just a little south you have stoney, stable areas
    My call would be to encourage you all to drift south by making sure the infrastucture is there
    And if you don't want too, next time it shakes tough luck

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Hard News: You know what ...,

    I don't feel any sorrow that OBL got the chop. "Those who live by the sword etc" but anyone who think this is going to improve things is away with the fairies and I am not that comfortable with state killings
    Although would it have been better if Hitler had be dealt with before things got out of hand or when the writing on the wall became really obvious to the world?

    I certainly would not be keen to be flying or going to any country with Muslim hot heads this winter
    Was thinking of Java/Indonesia actually but will give that a year at least

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Practical considerations,

    So if he is doing it for the money he has stuffed up big time but not for the first time
    Wonder if Hone (or his followers) reads PA , doubt it as we tend to be mostly white m.f.s but it would be nice if he got the message

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Adventures in the OIA or:…,

    Interesting stuff Graeme, rather surprised at the number of private prosecutions l had imagined it to be a very small number mostly becuase so few are reported to get to trial
    Good that you ask the questions so we may know

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Cracker: RIght On.,

    I am interested in the claim that Brash is a racist
    His position is that he is not; he just believes everyone is equal which is hardly a racist position.
    What ever, it sure scared the bejesus out of the Labour government (or maybe the polls did!) who then took a couple of giant leaps to the right with the dropping of policies that were to designed to help Maori and of course the Foreshore clusterfuck
    Certainly his speach did brought a racist response from Labour but does that make him one?

    And just before you label me racist I have always been in favour of those policies and allowing Maori to take their quite valid claims to the proper Court

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Cracker: Sydney-side,

    Hmm it makes good sense I suppose, if you live in the south, don't waste money travelling to Auckland (reportedly a hell hole, with despite Ms Tizards best efforts ghastly traffic problems) fly to Sydney and see the real thing

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Up Front: Where You From?, in reply to Sacha,

    Te Wera, went to a family wedding there just a couple of weeks ago
    I was in my second best mocker (no use wearing a suit in Taranaki, they don't seem to do formal) so wasn't tempted by the flying fox
    It was talked about but I didn't actually sight it, so can't say that it is still there

    We (my dear wife was born there) talked about moving back to Taranaki but although there is plenty to like about the place there is an old fashioned way of perceiving women I am not prepared to live with

    On the other hand her Great grand parents are buried here and the Lane we live in is named after another relation, so she can claim here to be her home too

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

  • Up Front: Where You From?,

    I think home may depend on just how much you have invested in it, not money but things like time, family history and landscape
    Maybe if you have lived in a place long enough you start to have similar feelings to those that Maori have for their turanga waiwai
    Certainly I, who am the most unemotional of men, definitely have been known to get a misty eye when I see the rolling downs of home after a break away

    45' South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts Report

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