Posts by Danielle
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And Stephen was Nailing It back then too!
That sounds allllll kinds of dodgy.
I really feel like I know the Palins. They seem so similar to some of the people I hung out with in Texas. If it weren't for her complete ignorance of, well, everything, and her perilous closeness to being in charge of something hugely important, I might almost be fond of them.
as for what danielle was referring to, the most dangerous situation is often when someone is writing about something they think they know pat. that way lies the tar pits.
I think it's safe to say that historians don't think they know anything pat. That's why they're always arguing with each other. It's also why the only history books anyone actually reads are usually written by journalists. :)
history and context can be dug from our archive
OK, now you're making *me* splutter.
the wankery scale
Ooh! A chance to use Joe's 'wankfest on stilts'!
Bugger the postmodernists*: I'd just like young journalists to know useful contextual things like history. It helps.
*I only said that so Gio would splutter. Italianly. Because that's where he's originally from.
oh, Ruby, don't take your love to town
A murder ballad for the Vietnam vet generation! 'If I could move I'd get my gun and put her in the ground...'
telling the uplifting story of a young man who stabs his girlfriend to death
Bob knows 'Knoxville Girl' by the Louvin Brothers, right? Johnny Cash's 'Cocaine Blues'? I think we need to start a thematic 'violently killing your partner' playlist for him.
(It's not OK, of course. Ahem.)
I've got Always Compulsively Reminding People of Where He's Originally From: The Giovanni Tiso Story .
That would be a chapter in my book when I lived in the USA.
Yes, my name was Giovanni Tiso then. Boom-tish.
a far less benign context...
Yes, I know. Sorry, I should have been clearer: *Rodney King* is currently on Celebrity Rehab with Dr Drew.
If you don't bitch about the next suburb, nay, other parts of your own suburb or village, you're really not trying hard enough.
I suppose I think there's a line between 'oh ho ho, west Auckland bogan mullet Holdens neenerneener', which I'm mostly amused by, and 'we pay all your taxes, assholes!' which I'm... not.
(A biopic of my life would have a title something like Stating the Obvious All the Time: The Danielle Moreau Story .)
Erm, to quote someone who is currently on Celebrity Rehab with Dr Drew (!): 'can't we all just get along?'
We're so miniscule. I always feel as though bitching about some other region or city to make a point is totally ridiculous.