Posts by Danielle
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We established the comma in the phrase. But I think having the comma in the superhero name would be a little awkward. I mean, who has a comma in their name?
If biculturalism is the first step towards multiculturalism, and if biculturalism is served by Maori seats, then multiculturalism must be served by all seats being allocated to other ethnicities.
But why stop there? Surely, culture is larger than ethnicity. Gay seats. Transport seats. Music seats.I thought we covered this earlier in the thread? We don't have a Treaty of Multiculturalism, or a Treaty of Transport, or a Treaty of Gaiety (heh). We have a Treaty of Waitangi. Between Maori and the Crown.
Obviously I am merely a naive hippy incapable of understanding The Ways of the Market, but surely they could give all that to some hungry people who like kiwifruit. Instead of destroying it. Right?
At some point, "history" stops being an adequate answer. 170 years is a long time.
It's really, really not.
I'm getting a very weird whiff of something at the moment. Something like... Orewa.
sometimes emma, i think the level of your awesomeness is so huuuge it's impossible to measure
Word up.
... the release of the original Beatles catalogue, ...on Wednesday, September 9, 2009...
Same day the Beatles Rock Band comes out. Coincidence?
I have been in High Squee Mode all day about this. The last. CDs. I'll ever. buy!
It could have been really great but in the end San Antonio is in Texas which is in the USA. So the cafes and restaurants are chains and it just didn't have a feel to it.
Hey, Texas has a feel to it. It may not be a feel that people particularly like, but it's a feel. ;)
Seriously, I think Texas has an amazing folk-art thing going on, particularly stuff like the annual Art Car Parade in Houston. And they really know how to do badass rockabilly youth culture in Texas, too. You just have to get past all those chain restaurants and billboards. Look at Auckland: the Sky Tower and the vileduct kind of suck, TBT. No one would say they had 'a feel', unless that feel was 'soulless and icky'. Yet we send all the tourists to them in droves.
Lucy, you piqued my interest. Wikipedia tells me that San Antonio in Texas has a similar population and is almost exactly the same size geographically. They have ten council districts, a mayor, and a 'city manager' person who seems to do all the actual work.
Waitakere has changed its inorganic collection process - you now pay eleven dollars to book a collection some time in the two weeks they cover your neighbourhood, and you stack all your stuff *within* your property. They come inside your fence and get it all on the booked day.
It makes everything look much tidier, but I always liked the way people came and collected stuff from the piles by the street. At least our junk is doing someone some good that way.
"In 1975 he took LSD at Zabriskie Point in Death Valley National Park, later calling it the best experience of his life."
OMG. I wonder if Antonioni's dusty hippies were still there, fucking uncomfortably in the dirt?