Posts by Danielle
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Jeanette Winterson got deranked too, I assume?
An off-air recording of The Governor is sitting quietly in the University of Auckland's AV library storage as we speak. I should have treated it more reverently!
Robbery is now taking issue with Jake's commentary on his argument style by using the same masterfully annoying tactics Jake just analysed. Is this now called... MetaDeathSpiralNui?
Head hurts. :)
Jake, you rule. That was great.
'I don't trust books. They're all fact, no heart.' - Stephen Colbert
It's a concept album. The concept is hating women.
Oh wow. Is Alan Parsons a Nice Guy (TM)?
Italy was completely immune to the very dubious charm of Abba
Dammit. I knew that country must have one flaw.
Christian Rock
That's what gets me. So much religious music is fabulous. Then suddenly in the 80s: Amy Grant and Stryper. What gives?
And Megan got a shout-out, too.
I liked the interviewing technique. 'So, this "blogging". Explain it to our listeners, for they are not conversant with your alien ways.' Heh.
Oh, also, that comma disappeared because of the italics problem, I imagine. You have to put in an extra space.