Posts by Danielle
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Bristol Palin began laughing uncontrollably after smoking weed on camera.... A friend says he has gotten Levi cocaine "on at least three occasions.... He used to sell Oxycontin for "lots of money"!... But not all of it. He smoked it himself "off of aluminum foil."
Seriously, I think I might know these people. :)
Paul, you married a Texan too? We are legion!
I'm watching the eye of the storm go over Channelview (my husband's hometown) and Baytown and head towards Liberty and Humble, where the whole family live. It's somewhat stressful... I could be pretty happy if I never had to hear the phrase 'hunker down' ever again, though.
We should keep it on the quiet and just invite people via facebook or something.
Don't worry Kyle. Americans talk a good game about emigrating, but they hardly ever leave. :)
When I grow up, I'm going to build a New Zealand town exactly the same as New Zealand, right down to the ice cream, so Americans can get a taste of what New Zealand is really like.
But then the secret will be out, and everyone will want their very own New Zealand town with ice cream! Where will the madness end?
Now I'm thinking about my possible future role as a town planner for New Zealandtown USA. When you enter the city limits by vehicle, will you swap over to the other side of the road? Will cabbage trees and pohutukawas grow in the American northeast? How can we get rid of fire ants so that all the kids can walk to school in bare feet? Does the country have enough canned beetroot for all the hamburgers? Will visitors be issued with a small translation booklet explaining our words for 'fanny', 'confectioner's sugar', and 'cilantro'?
(This is a welcome distraction from 'OMG my husband's entire family in Houston is going to drown!!!' Christ that is a big hurricane.)
From the sounds of things, I imagine they'd prefer the help of Sammy Hagar.
Paul, you're pronouncing it wrong. It's 'terrrrrrist' (cf. Dubya).
gee, thanks for getting thattune playing remorselessly in ma head
Ditto, only I'm not being sarcastic. I am a big Gene Pitney fan. :)
Spent a few hours googling the subject last night and the debate as to what is feminism is wide.
It's a very, very broad church.
these so-called feminists might not be feminists at all
Sigh. Y'know... oh, never mind.
a female holding to those beliefs who achieves the Presidency* has so obviously not been inhibited it makes the NOW argument totally baseless
One anti-choice woman plucked from semi-obscurity to serve as a pandering token on a presidential ticket does not in any way make pro-choice feminist theory 'totally baseless'. How, exactly, does this one person negate an entire political movement?
because endorsing old white men over young working mothers is not a typical feminist standpoint - that is what makes it funny
For those who have difficulty understanding what feminism actually means in this context: it is not, repeat, NOT the blanket endorsement of people with vaginas over people with penises for all high-ranking offices. Feminism means deciding who is the most qualified person for the job, *regardless* of whether they have a vagina or a penis. Or neither. Or both.