Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Access: Review: Where is Autism?, in reply to David Adrian Thomas Esq MCIHT,

    Facsinating, David. How did you find this site, by the way?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: Why all the fuss over six trees?,

    And here's how it can be done -- Cycle Action Auckland with an appreciation of the construction and comms teams a couple of kilometres away at the SH16 cycleway.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: Why all the fuss over six trees?, in reply to Sacha,

    The traffic engineers want this.
    Never seen any evidence of need.

    Yes, again., it's "because we say so".

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Up Front: I Walk the Line,

    Thank you, Emma. Not just for the update and a chance to read your pleasurable prose again, but for making real an experience that most people don't have the skills or the venue to talk about. xx

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Access: Review: Where is Autism?, in reply to Rebecca Williams,

    Awesome, thanks Russell. I will pass this on to folks who sorely need as much support as they can get.

    Excellent. Note also the link to that Facebook group.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: Why all the fuss over six trees?, in reply to Jolisa,

    2) did anyone consider the option of running the bike and pedestrian path behind the trees? Not necessarily ideal, in that you’d lose the shaded footpath at the foot of the trees beside the road, which brings traffic ever closer to the trees. BUT it does continue the line of the footpath as it passes the petrol station.

    This is one thing they seem to have lied about. AT claimed that option wasn't considered because Motat demanded that the parking be preserved. But whoever tweets for Motat said they'd only made a general request for parking to be preserved in the area (which is their right, and understandable) and absolutely had not vetoed that path.

    The path could actually be pretty nice and I think the loss of the existing footpath in return might be a reasonable compromise -- it's not actually a very nice place to walk at the moment because there's always traffic (and quite often heavy vehicles) waiting to turn left. But AT doesn't seem to have been in the mood for reasonable compromises.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: Why all the fuss over six trees?, in reply to Jolisa,

    And then, about a third of the way across the bridge – at the point where the painted bike “lane” peters out – there will be a curb cut for you to hop onto the footpath.

    Ah. That hasn't been apparent on any diagram I've seen so far, and it's good news. That's the correct solution. There's not really any way of running a protected bike lane through an intersection, but if the painted lane leads to the cutting, that's good.

    Compared to the crapshoot that turning right is currently -- even with my former-cycle-courier ninja skills -- it's a notable improvement.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: Sex with the office lights on:…,

    Note that I've just replaced the original with a slightly amended version sent to me later by Nicole.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: Why all the fuss over six trees?, in reply to James Littlewood*,

    All good suggestions, which I make regular use of (and no problems with a toll). But – what with me living in Titirangi and all – sometimes it’s the car. Sometimes I can dodge that road. Sometimes I can’t.

    You’re actually not wrong about the intersection. It locks up eastbound sometimes, too – when cars turning onto the overbridge to get to the motorway get stranded.

    So I do get a bit frustrated when people insist nothing needs doing. With the additional traffic post-Waterview, not re-engineering the interchange would play havoc with a key local road.

    But as a regular user of that road in all its modes (including the motat tram!) I kinda need the numbers in the cost/benefit before I can get involved in the tree debate.

    I’d listen to an honest argument, but I don’t think we’ve had one. The process has been terrible and the snubbing of 55 submissions that people went to the trouble of making simply because they had the (same) wrong number on them was disgraceful. Then the transparent lying when they were questioned at the community meeting.

    It’s unclear to me whether anyone has really listened to feedback on the planned new intersection design, which makes things more onerous for walkers and cyclists. Incredibly, no one can explain to me how I will get onto the new shared path if I’m cycling from Point Chev and turning right onto the bridge.

    So yeah, not trusting you on the trees, guys.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Fickle Rock, in reply to Mike O'Connell,

    Should be easy enough to track down. I had a quick check and Chc Library has 4 copies – all being read btw

    Reading it on my iPad already :-)

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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