Posts by FletcherB

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  • OnPoint: Dear Gerry,

    Their problem was that they satirised the politicians rather than the policies, which is ultimately just mean and pointless.

    Not only that, it also means you've got to get new material when the butt of your jokes is voted out... or wither away to irrelevance like they did.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Transferring wealth to Wellington,

    So, all these CCO's... presumably as well as getting income from user charges, they will also be apportioned a share of the rates? (roading, public transport subsidy, etc?)

    Who does the apportioning? If it's the elected officials of the council then that is at least some way to help control the direction of the CCO's, no?

    The CCO's might be free to choose their own path... but if some paths lead to more funds and others lead to it getting cut off, is that not a way for the elected people to exert the influence we are worried they wont have?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Transferring wealth to Wellington,

    Well? Ington!

    Well... now we're quoting The Goons?

    Ington, Ington, Ington, iddle-eye poh!

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Auckland Council as leaky…,

    This report from the Royal Commission.... Rodney's following it to the letter, right? :(

    Some people dont like the idea of an amalgamated Auckland "supercity".... and they are entitled to complain as much as they are able...

    But that's not the issue here...

    You can do a supercity right and you can completely F%$@ it up...

    Theres an awful lot of Aucklanders that dont mind the idea of a super-city but arent impressed with what Rodney (with Key's permission) is doing...

    And if you're not in Auckland yourself, dont get too smug because you could be next.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    This is yet another of the advantages of having at least a little uncommitted income...

    You have enough spare cash laying about that you can take advantage of "specials" or other recognizably good deals when they are available.... whereas when every dollar you come by is already committed... you dont have that luxury.

    To extend the shoes analogy...

    I'm currently wearing shoes that cost me $40. They are high quality and have already lasted more than four times longer than the $20 shoes from a certain large red retailer I once tried....

    $40 doesnt seem that much more than $20, and you might think any sensible person could see the advantage of getting them....

    But in fact, they arenormally $120 shoes that were on sale for only 24 hours.

    With my free cash, I can get the good deal when its available.

    When you're on the bones of your arse, you arent going to be spending anything on shoes until the ones on your feet are dead.... and then you have to go to the red shed and get the ones that last 2 or 3 months again because they are all thats available this week.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Up Front: Your Whining Is Important to Us,

    Here's another lesson learned from 10+ years of customer service....

    The level of service given and the happiness/satisfaction of the customer are.... not 100%, but significantly unrelated.

    If you give truely bad service, you will have a grumpy customer, and that is well deserved.

    But if you give fantastic, average, or below average service, you may have ecstatic, normal or grumpy customers in pretty much any combination with very little correlation.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Summer!,

    I'm not usually one to enjoy particularly physical activities but two outdoor highlights of the summer were kayaking from Puhoi to Wenderholm, and wandering along a heritage trail in the Karagaheke Gorge (SH2 just north of Waihi).

    Both highly recommended. Beautiful scenery passing slow enough that you can take the time to appreciate it.

    In the gorge, all the mining ruins and tunnels well signposted with explanations and historic photos for the interested, the walking tracks well layed out and maintained, the stairs and railings in good maintenance... and the 1km long disused railway tunnel is a highlight... it's dead straight and you can see all the way through... but gee, that light at the end gets bigger very slowly...

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Island Life: Everyone loves a quiz.,

    All the fuss is being made over 2 bottles of wine does not equal "food and beverage" and therefor he signed a misleading document.

    Frankly, I couldnt care whether the minister chose a liquid meal...

    What I want to know is how "Minister + spouse- dinner" (as shown on TV) at a party conference is a governmental expense in the first place?

    Entertaining/feeding foreign or local dignitaries might be a valid expense. Feeding your spouse while on government business may or may-not be a valid expense. But feeding yourself and your spouse at a private function is a personal expense.

    Heatly shouldn't have claimed it, and Ministerial services shouldn't have approved it.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: A solution in search of…,

    It is also an extremely long way to walk on a full bladder.

    I dont see any problem... current Eden Park patrons who have over-imbibed already take to emptying their bladders on any nearby fence, letter-box or doorway...

    Why should international visitors refrain if it's good enough for the locals?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Cracker: Go Figure,

    Either we need to change our flag... or Australians are stupid.

    It does not need to be an either/or proposition.... both statements could be true simultaneously.


    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

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