Posts by FletcherB

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  • Cracker: Of Racks and Ratings,

    Thought that's why they carpet bombed it with RadioLive ads.
    To pay for it. I mean.

    Filling your slots with ads from another part of the same company doesn't seem like the best way to make revenue does it? Seems to me it's what you'd do if no-one was paying hard cash for your space.... you'd fill your un-sold space with ads to boost the ratings of the place where your ads are selling... or something?

    (just guessing... not an insider in any media/advertising business)

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Random Play: He bangs the drum,

    My opinion of much drumming is similar to your own...

    Which is why this is one of my favorites....

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Space for Ol Dat I See,

    Ass is not arse. Old folks learnt English at school rather than learned American.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: David Garrett wins,

    Those two groups wanted to include smacking? Why? I thought the SST didn't want smacking to even be an offence. Why would they want it to be a strike offence? For PR purposes?


    I too thought it could only be so that you can complain some more about how unjust it was?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Table 6.2: 'Rich pricks' & Others,

    While not directly relevant to how the balance of income tax is shared amongst income levels... here's a bit about how income tax compares to other revenue streams towards the total tax take...

    Personal income tax makes up the lion's share of revenue collected by the Government - income taxes account for $28.5 billion or 53 per cent of all tax revenue, company taxes make up 17 per cent, GST raises 21 per cent of all tax revenue and excise duty such as petrol and tobacco taxes raised a further $4.8 billion or 9 per cent of all tax revenues.


    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: David Garrett wins,

    I'm just pissed we have to use an american sports metaphor

    Theres no reason for it not to be a kiwi sports metaphor as well...

    Sure, we like to think we dominate the world in Rugby.... we actually demonstrably DO dominate it in Softball.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Naked and the Dude,

    I understand it's also easier for a male to be convicted (of of public idencency?) for being publicly naked than a woman.

    I recall reading of a case where a husband and wife walked naked down Queen St (Auck) in the late '70's or early '80's, and while both were charged with public indecency, only the male was convicted.

    I believe it came down the the conclusion that the male's genitals were visible, but the females were not?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Feminist as crazy old man,

    Anyone care to explain to Danielle about those "baby on board" signs we sometimes see on cars... and what they really mean.

    I used to resent those signs... I felt they were trying to say they had precious cargo on board and could I please try extra hard not to crash into them. This seemed to be suggesting I wasn't taking driving seriously and had spare capacity to be extra careful, when in fact I was already trying as hard as I possibly could not to crash into any car, regardless of who or what was on board.

    But they don't bother me so much now that I've realized the true meaning.... they are not a warning of them being in extra need of care because of they are more valuable than others.... it's a warning of them needing extra care on account of their own driver being distracted and being more liable than average of making stupid maneuvers requiring my avoidance...

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Holiday Musings,

    But even that takes some skill, so I'm holding on to the idea that practice makes perfect.

    God took a gap year between the BCs and ADs, in preparation for the whole cosmic semen thing, a year zero was inserted

    You appear to be getting the hang of it...

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Speaker: North versus South, Part 1,

    Great post, I enjoyed it...

    But I'd just like to point out, (mainly to non Aucklander's I guess?) that there are many and various ways to exist in Auckland, and not all of them fit the stereotype presented here...

    We dont all compare the size of our mortgage, and some of us even go hunt'n-an-fish'n. :)

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

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