Posts by Isabel Hitchings

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  • Hard News: Ready for the Big One?,

    I have a cupboard full of things like millet and shitake mushrooms bought with the idea that I'd learn to cook something new which I never did - that'll see us through i reckon.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Wonder Years,

    I haven't really watched cricket since I used to watch it with my Dad as a kid. I caught the last 30ish overs last night and discovered that I actually rather enjoyed it. Who knew?

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Island Life: Everyone loves a quiz.,

    The article isn't actually that awful - it says that Christchurch women aren't actually dying at any greater rate than anywhere else in the country but that we tend to get more odd ones that make the news rather than domestic incidents that don't make the media and mentions that the stats are skewed by us having some large prisons from which people get released into Chch no matter where they originated from.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Busytown: Testing, 1 2 3,

    Okay, so now I really need to know, are we including the kitten's tail in the length of the kitten?

    And if the tail is included are you measuring to the end of the tail proper or including the fluff on the end? 'Cause that would add at least another 1/2 inch.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Island Life: Everyone loves a quiz.,

    The answer to number 2 is the bottle.
    Showgirls is the answer to all other questions.

    I'm fairly sure that, in these troubled times, the bottle is the only answer.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Up Front: Do My Homework For Me,

    In this context I believe badass = awesome and cool.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Hard News: Research Fail,

    How are they identifying the top 5%? Are they taking the ones who do best in the standardised tests (which is going to miss a lot of girted kids) or are they using some other form of assessment (which is going to be expensive and time consuming)? What will they do with kids who are gifted in one area and struggling in another? What about the many kids who are "twice exceptional" ie those who are gifted and have a learning disability?

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Up Front: Do My Homework For Me,

    This is the one that usually sticks in my head.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standards Matter,

    Even kids who start school as fluent readers have a long way to go before they can become adult readers (or writers or mathematicians etc). If they are coming home tired, discouraged and unmotivated because school isn't working for them then there may be precious little even the most dedicated parent can do to improve their academic progress.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Webstock, rollin' with heat,

    I have the envy. My partner gets to go to webstock while I get to solo parent at school camp.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

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