Posts by Stewart

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  • Up Front: Making a List, Not Bothering…,

    And by continuing to stigmatise sex with all their hysteria they not only make it more attractive to the cussedly contrary young 'uns, but they also make it less respectable and available for those of us who don't stigmatise it.

    (Sounds like you're suggesting that they limit themselves to single-child families, because having sex outside their house might risk exposing other children to the horror!)

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Making a List, Not Bothering…,

    Sounds good to me, Emma, but I don't think it will go down well with the "all care, no responsibility" parents that fail to talk to their kids about the interweb, fail to provide any guidance about using the net and just see the computer (like the tv) as a means of keeping 'the bratz' quiet.

    I suspect that that demographic will still be shrill in their demands for the whole thing to be sanitised & steam-cleaned.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Being a dick about Earth Hour,

    Jeez, Keith, does having a dimmer in the lounge make me a "shiteating fucknut"?

    And there I was thinking I wanted to be able to reduce the light levels so our* smoochy tv-watching would be just a tad more romantic.

    * 'Our' being me & my sweetie, not me & Keith

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Being a dick about Earth Hour,

    I still haven't bought any of these new-fangled lightbulbs - not because I don't think they are a good idea, but because none of our old incandescent bulbs have blown in the last couple of years, apart from the little halogen jobbies that we have in the lounge. Do they make the CFL-jobbies that will replace those? Oh, and the ones in the lounge are on a dimmer, too. I understand that makes a difference.

    I will be happy to replace any of our old 'standard' incandescent bulbs with CFL ones when they finally go 'plink' - but the consensus seems to be that I should replace them even before plink-point. Is that right? It would go against the grain of my Scottish heritage but I am prepared to make concessions for the fate of the planet.

    And I'll try to remember not to take the V8 to the shops to buy them.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Speaker: A day or two at Dramfest,

    I am reminded of a quote attributed to the English poet, John Keats who I had previously thought rather effete ...

    His remark, on first tasting whisky, was
    "this is smart stuff".

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Random Play: You wouldn’t read about it.,

    Thanks for that.

    So we are re-trying Bain on the say-so of the Privy Council, Bain's side is desperate for him to be found not guilty and the crown's side (essentially the police) are keen for a guilty verdict to save face over him being found guilty before?

    That's probably a bit harsh on the police as it wasn't them that found him guilty in the 1st trial, but it was based on what appears to have been some shonky evidence or the gathering thereof.

    (Apologies to have been labouring the point...)

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Mother Dog!,


    have you read Jim Bouton's Ball Four ?
    It is years ago that I read it and I remember it was about baseball, but I get the feeling that it wasn't 'great writing' although I'd like to re-read it & see if I get more from it these days.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Random Play: You wouldn’t read about it.,

    OK, apologies for not having the vocabulary right.
    Does the difference in terms make a difference that you could explain in easy layman's terms?

    (__I'm a bit of an easy lay man__)

    And does it affect the whole absurdity of the re-trial?

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Random Play: You wouldn’t read about it.,

    I have trouble with this as David Bain was found guilty and incarcerated for a considerable period. Since then, doubts have lingered about the conviction and he's been exonerated & is now being re-tried.
    If he is found guilty it seems unlikely that he will spend further time in prison - he's already served 13(?) years and has proved, since his release, that he is no real danger to the public.
    If he is found not guilty then there is likely to be a substantial claim for compensation - probably not something the government wants as a cost or as a PR disaster for the police.

    I just can't see that justice can be served in either case. The 'best' outcome for the police would be a 2nd guilty verdict but the whole case seems too compromised for that. (lost evidence, evidential samples disposed of, the effect of the passage of time on witnesses memory, etc)

    Any compensation claim will be dwarfed by the actual cost of the re-trial, so what's the point?

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Boning Up,

    I thought accountants favoured themed socks ?

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

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