Posts by Isabel Hitchings

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  • Hard News: A little liberal line in the sand,

    Lovely, lovely lovely but it's going to be one hell of an effort not to sing that in front of my little pitchers tomorrow.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    I hope we'll all acknowledge that many church groups do fantastic charitable work (as do many lay-groups).

    I won't deny that sterling work is done by religious charities and it's not like I'd advocate getting rid of them all next week BUT there's always the potential for those charities of advance agendas that have very little to do with helping the needy undercover of their charitable works

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    There's a reason why I'm uncomfortable with religious groups running social services....

    I also think that it's a really good idea to figure out whether a career is likely to require you to act against your conscience before you enter the field.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    I'm experiencing momentary frustration that there isn't any Card in the house, because I do have fire

    Is this where I come clean and admit I have a feeling I have your copy of Ender's Game? I also have fire but have lingering qualms about burning books no matter what they are.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    I think the can't marry your in-laws thing probably makes a lot of sense if there are children produced in either relationship - having someone being both your Granddad and step-father or your sister also being your Auntie would be tremendously confusing.

    My main memory of Emma's ex-FIL is of being farrrrr too drunk to remember what scottish person I was supposed to tell him he looked like and standing there going "you look like thingie Mc..Mc..Mc..." for an embarrassingly long time.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Isabel? Where are you?

    She has this theory that you should be able to have the big party, the fancy dress, and get all the presents, but not actually get married. A sort of Wedding-less Reception.

    Funny - I just five minutes ago stopped myself from posting this because I'm fairly sure I said it the last two times this topic came up.

    *plots ways to combine being given lots of household articles and drinking a lot of gin*

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    If marriage was opened up to more sets of loving, consenting adults I'd be cheerfully prepared to revise my opinion of it as an out-moded institution.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Hard News: Grown men might weep at the rucking,

    having public sex with your dozen spouses.

    That sounds like much more fun than what I had planned.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Hard News: Grown men might weep at the rucking,

    Distressing as it may be a dead guy isn't going to get much deader by lying on a driveway for a while so if retrieving him involves risking any other life then it's the better choice. And it's better if they can get the offender out alive - not just for his sake but for the mental health of the police officers too. I'd imagine that killing someone in the line of work, no matter how dire the situation, would take an enormous emotional toll that I wouldn't wish upon anyone.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Ex Files,

    I remember you and Pauline being unable to work out what I saw in Mike the Bartender, and me waiting until he was walking away from us and saying 'there it is'. But that may turn out to not have been you at all.

    I think I do remember that.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

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