Posts by Joanna

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  • Speaker: Mixing it up, with stats like,

    BTW, what exactly is a snowjob when it's not a whitewash?

    Jackie, I'd advise you to either hit or this comment for definitions. If you really need to know. I don't want tthis to be like the time when my sister made my dad ask me over dinner what felching was.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Speaker: Mixing it up, with stats like,

    that whole food porn this is just a bit gay, you know?

    Was it a Mallard you were eating?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Speaker: Mixing it up, with stats like,

    Yes Che's hands can be seen here, careful may not be work safe if you work for either a chicken outlet, or a medical facility

    Che's site is blocked where I work, for its pornographic content. As hard as I try though, I can't seem to get Hubris blocked.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Speaker: Mixing it up, with stats like,

    Just as well I'm a lady and have other things to brag about.

    Like your delicate embroidery and light-as-air sponges?

    Meanwhile I wear size 11 shoes...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Speaker: Mixing it up, with stats like,

    See, I was keeping to this post's subject in talking about stats and mixing them up in relation to thumbs and fingers. And then along comes Che bragging about the size of his hands, naturally...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Speaker: Mixing it up, with stats like,

    Wow, I thought rule of thumb was going to be some kind of dirty measurement thing. You know, like shoe sizes.

    As in the length of the imaginary hypotenuse between your index finger and the end of your thumb if you hold them at right angles? Data on the accuracy of this is inconclusive.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Speaker: Mixing it up, with stats like,

    You mean the sex ones?

    We thought that a snowball was a sex thing, and a snowjob was a PR thing (I won't make any comment on the connection between PR and sex). We learnt that both could be both. And unfortunately I had to close the comments on that entry for other reasons (ie: no one was telling me about anonymous sex in laundrettes which was the original point of the post), so that's all we learnt.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Speaker: Mixing it up, with stats like,

    You can, however, use the rule of thumb for banquets:

    Plate setters, setting plates for an English Royal banquet, place the plate against the tip of the thumb while holding the arch of the thumb and first finger against the table edge.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Hard News: Free Man,

    Only if the SIS has branched out into enforcing rugby fandom.

    That was the Red Squad's job, wasn't it?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

  • Speaker: Mixing it up, with stats like,

    Urban Dictionary is entertaining, but not a good place to look up the meaning of an actual word.

    I beg to differ - the Wellingtonista had a particularly lively time getting the definitive definition of a snowball vs. a snowjob one time.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 746 posts Report

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