Posts by Yamis

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  • Hard News: Better, faster ... prettier,

    I have a new word after reading the original post.


    It's where somebody tries to sell something in their blog posts.


    I'll just stick to selling my soul in mine.

    $1.79 per gram

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Breaking up the Band,

    Russell, the first twenty minutes of the AB test saw arguably the worst twenty minutes in AB first five history played out by one Dan Carter.

    Go back and check the tape if you think I'm being harsh.

    He had a kick out on the full, a kickoff out on the full, a couple of attacking kicks straight down opposing players throats, a grubber in behind the defence to the try line that was too deep and straight to the defender (who nearly managed to balls it up making the kick look better than it was), a bomb that went virtually straight up and down which he managed to collect, I'll at least give him that (but you don't put up mid field bombs when you are playing into a wind), a kick charged down that nearly led to a try, and I'm assuming he called for the ball when we had mauled it 20 metres to their try line and were on the verge of a terrific forward try, and threw an inside pass to Nonu who was running into heavy traffic who spilled it and the Irish broke up field and nearly scored.

    Literally every single touch turned to shite.

    After that he was adequate and one break where the Irish defence evaporated in front of him made his performance seem a lot better than it really was.

    First Half: F
    Second Half: B

    The ABs were generally pretty good but obviously had a few things that let them down witht he notable ones being
    a) that option to go wide when we were a metre away from scoring
    b) the terrible defence that allowed Ireland to score what was really a soft try
    c) the cheating referee

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Bandwagon Hobos,

    Discussing cheese aye? Doesn't get much more exciting than this.

    I buy a 1kg block of budget cheese from pac n save for 10 dollars. I use it mainly for crackers on the odd evening and we had macaroni and cheese for dinner last night.

    It last about 4 shops which is around a month. That's $2.50 a week on cheese. Given the "60 cent" increase that works out at 15 cents more a week.

    We'll live. I'm a bit more concerned about oil companies controlling prices which have seen a rise from about 50 dollars to fill up each week to 85 dollars to fill up each week.

    35 dollars versus 15 cents.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: How many children with cancer…,

    We just had 35 teachers and students down at Tongariro for 2 nights and it cost us about $9,000 for transport, food and accomodation. About 3,500 of it was on the bus.

    Make them bunk together next time.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: O.G.,

    [restrains himself from swearing]

    For most people it's a fashion statement. I own and wear several hoodies as do my two younger sisters. Gee, even my wife wears a few and my 20 month old has a couple as well. They are comfy, they look alright and when I'm/we're cold I/we can pull the hood up. I don't wear the hood up when I'm not cold because that would ruin the 20 dollar haircut I get 4 times a year.

    Mikaere C got it right. Worry about the behaviour, not the attire.

    Hell, we may as well ban long sleeves and pants because people could be concealing weapons.

    Also as paula says above a lot of the 'fear' can just be a negative mindset where there be dragons everywhere. But as soon as you tell yourself that dem dragons be gone they sure as hell are hard to find. It's like driving in NZ. People go on and on about how bad it is all the time but I just don't see it. Sure people don't indicate sometimes, and maybe go a bit quick here and there but for the most part there is still a general courtesy on the roads, at least on the ones I drive on. I've been to enough countries to know what real dodgy driving looks like.

    Back on topic...I caught Peachey last night on TV. Dear god that man is a disgrace, he made it sound as though every single hoodie wearer is up to no good. Rangitoto must have breathed a sigh of relief. It's funny how that crowd can spend days saying we should stop telling business what to do and then turn around and tell everybody not part of the club what to do.

    As for banning them in malls I can understand individual shop owners/workers asking anybody wearing one INSIDE their store to pull it down so they can clearly be seen but just roaming about or sitting round in the mall should be no big deal.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Yes we canny,

    hmmmm, yes, education spending in NZ.

    Average class sizes in secondary schools of high 20s compared to low 20s throughout Europe. British teachers campaigning for a maximum class size of 20 while we put up with an average of 26. Meanwhile my school is so broke it's closer to 28 with my own average at 30 (which is the average for Mexico) and my Year 13 class at 32.

    I have also heard a wonderful rumour that teachers pay relative to what it was twenty years ago had declined by 35% but I just hope that's not the case.

    My BA, MA and post-grad diploma + 2.5 years experience (along with 4 overseas) currently gets me 53,000 and leaves me entitled to a community services card.

    But back on education spending, an article by John Braddock in 2005, a while ago now but jack has changed...

    Government spokesmen claim a steady increase in overall education spending—up 13 percent in real terms since 1999—as a major step forward. As a percentage of total government expenditure, spending on education has risen from 14.4 percent a decade ago to 17.3 percent last year. These figures are misleading, however. Over the past five years, Labour has kept a lid on spending to ensure record budget surpluses—this year’s is forecast at $NZ7.4 billion. Education spending as a percentage of GDP has in fact declined over the period from 6.3 percent to 5.9 per cent.

    "Specific cases include Macleans College in the affluent Auckland suburb of Howick, which raises 48 percent of its operating budget from non-government sources, including parents’ fees and charges levied on 105 foreign fee-paying students. "

    I also recently heard that around HALF of all NZ schools are in debt and ours is about to employ a full time fundraiser to try to sort things out.

    Increased spending hahahahahahaha

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Shooting for the Moon,

    Thanks for your concern AS.

    We paid to bury our powerlines and we can pay to bury these too.

    Powerpoles are like so last century.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Shooting for the Moon,

    Oh yeah, and this goes on in Korea too...

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Shooting for the Moon,

    Seoul is damn near 'hollow' underground.

    There's about 400 subway stations plus there's the tunnels running between them, not to mention the hundreds and hundreds of underpasses, underground arcades, building basements etc.

    In terms of terrain, it is surrounded by rocky mountains but the built environment is reasonably flat, sitting on the Han River flood plains and lower foothills of pukansan (mountain) and friends.

    But with 10 million people in an area that is smaller than Auckland you are taking the piss using it as an example. There are thousands or apartment buildings with the average complex having 20 floors with about 50 people living on each floor and they are all right next to each other.

    My street in Massey looks nice without powerlines and I always notice streets that do have them. Ugly, no thanks. Bury that shit.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Cool,

    On the leg thing, get to the airport early and request an exit door seat. I've done this for about my last 10 long haul flights and got it everytime. The aisle seat and the one next to it (there's usually 3) allow you to stick your legs in any direction imagineable and not touch a thing.

    They actually want able bodied (usually) men folk sitting there incase the plane becomes a flaming wreck. So people can climb over your charred corpse and say "hah! that was that tall guy".

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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