Posts by Yamis

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  • Hard News: Icon Identities,

    And what's particularly 'Asian' about that? Might be worth remembering that 'an all-over tan' is as much a product of moneyed leisure (peasants don't have a lot of time for lying on the beach making sure their tits and arse get equally baked) as grabbing your parasol before venturing forth from a shaded drawing room.

    Don't know Craig, but that's what Koreans have told me on more than one occasion. And having seen a fair number of Koreans who have spent many a long hour working in the outdoors whether on building sites or in the rice fields they are several shades browner than the lasses with 'kong ju byung' (princess disease) sitting in the coffee shops.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Icon Identities,

    The icon about Asians trying to 'keep their skin white' or get it whiter through makeup etc reminded me of that issue in Korea.

    I asked why Korean women go out of their way to keep their skin white and there were two main reasons given.

    1) It makes them look more western (similar to why many Korean women have surgery to increase the size of the bridge of their nose and eyelid surgery to make their eyes appear more western... it is so common it's ridiculous, both my sister in laws have had it done).

    2) Browner skin is associated with the farming community who are almost looked on as the peasantry. If you have brown skin its looks like you have been spending way to much time outside doing some laborious task. My wife freaks a bit once our NZ summers kick off and her skin starts to brown real fast. And there's me of course admiring how I'm tanning up.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ya rly,

    True enough Rich, I just think he should have to go toe to toe, blow for blow, mate against mate, state against asian ... to really be elected. When its individuals standing people can look them in the face and decide yes or no. When they are on the list they are slightly anonymous. NZ First could have a strong spokesperson, and then 3 monkeys, 4 camels and a goat occupying spots 2-8 on the list and get the monkeys and 2 camels into parliament because nobody who voted for them checked, they just voted on rhetoric. One of the slight failings of MMP I reckon.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ya rly,

    The thing which adds to the "this really bugs me factor" is that he isn't even elected.

    Not only was he let into this country by the good grace of the Tangata Whenua but he is let into parliament by the good grace of our electoral system which thankfully now will struggle to allow wacko beliefs to have a major effect on policy.

    His views will serve to isolate people which is exactly what he accuses Asians of doing. He thinks that their way of life will lead to division, conflict etc.

    Mate, that's what you are ALL ABOUT.

    sorry, thread hijacked.


    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ya rly,


    OK, so he WAS misquoted. Thanks Prime News, I suspect it wasn't on purpose.

    He was asked what do you think of the statistics showing they will number around 800,000 by 2026. To which he replied "they're horrible".

    He's still a muppet though.

    The defence rests.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ya rly,

    Totally unrelated but the sh*t is about to hit the fan. I need to vent so I can eat my dinner with a slightly lighter mind.

    Peter Brown just described (unless there was some awful editing by Prime News) Asians as "horrible".

    "They're horrible" he said. Before talking about them coming here and not integrating and making pockets of their culture here.

    Totally unlike say NZers in london. And they can speak the same language and have a similar culture as the hosts yet still choose to hang out together.

    I'm fired up...

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Southerly: Nine Months of Baby Hell,

    Our 18 month old says 3 words (one pronounced incorrectly and they're all Korean damn it!). The idea of her being able to count to ten when she is two is hysterically.... not going to happen. I'm going out on a limb and suggesting she won't even understand the concept of 'counting' for at least another year and that might see her getting to... one and no further.

    She only understands about half a dozen other words. Has learnt a few tricks though, like lifting her shirt to put on roll on deoderant, she is also good at opening and closing the disc drive on the computer and likes turning the whole comp off when you are typing an email.

    She is also great at pulling all the dirt out of pot plants, walking through it and getting it on her face. EVERYDAY, usually multiple times!

    She only eats dinner if she has my school pencil case in front of her so she can pull everything out and deposit it on the floor.

    She enjoys flicking through books which are for children far older but usually its to either draw with her crayons on the pages or rip them out, screw them up and go deposit them in the kitchen rubbish bin.

    He lego blocks are for tipping out onto the floor and walking through.

    Teddy bears are throttled and then thrown.

    My hair is to be pulled and my mouth is a vessel to be filled with any objects she can find.

    All dvds and books are removed from shelves and scattered to the winds on a daily basis.

    She regularly goes hunting in bathroom and bedroom draws for hair ties, shampoos, socks and underpants, which are then put somewhere else, namely the middle of the hallway floor to stand on in the pitch dark.

    Aside from that she still sounds like a dream compared to Bob.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ready to Fly,

    Russell, real men tip in the NRL.

    That's where we get made to feel weak and pathetic.

    Greg Alexander managed to tip 0 from 8 in week 2 and there he was as an expert comments person on the tellie the other night. Although the vast majority of tipsters no matter where you look are well below or right on 50%.

    The Super 14 is a walk in the park by comparison, even if the Blues are pretending they are going to lose games lately.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Slumpy Cashflow,

    (But all IMHO - your mileage may vary, seek independent investment advice, and sell me your children by return post)

    Couriered or in a small envelope with a 45 cent stamp (she should fit)?

    I want her back though when she gets to working age (what age are children big enough to get their hands into the kitchen sink and push a lawnmower?).

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Slumpy Cashflow,

    Anybody grow trees?

    I've got coupla hundred nikau's potted up, grow native grasses like, well, it's grass (take a few sead heads from a plant or two and chuck them in a tray of seed raising mix and you should get 50 plants plus in no time, I just potted up 75 and there's about 20 more and that's just from one seed tray, they are big enought to plant out in about a year), have just managed to get a coupla dozen whau to germinate, am trying on some flax at the moment and have several Kauri and Titoki growing.

    can't eat em but they look nice.

    anybody wanna buy some carbon credits off me? ;)

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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