Posts by Yamis

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  • Hard News: Buy now: spend the recession inside!,

    Has the Chinese government released the figures for how many of its military have been killed in this uprising?

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unhappy Birthday,

    Actually a quick google search turns up quite a bit:

    youtube clip:,13319,96056,00.html

    Of particular concern are reports that the Folk Nation, consisting of more than a dozen gangs in the Chicago area, is placing young members in the military in an effort to gather information about weapons and tactics, said FBI Special Agent Andrea Simmons, who is based in El Paso, Texas.

    "Our understanding is that they find members without a criminal history so that they can join, and once they get out, they will have a new set of skills that they can apply to criminal enterprises," Simmons said.

    This from 1995

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unhappy Birthday,

    Did anybody see the doco on TV the other night about gangs in the US military in Iraq.

    I missed it but was wondering if others could fill in on some details. My mate was saying that the US gangs like the crips were represented in the military and there were tags around Iraq and that these guys go into the military to get years of military training before taking their new found 'skills' back to the 'streetz'.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Networking takes a back seat,

    I appreciate the improving conditions in zoos, particularly wrt space, but the main thing that bothers me about them is that for a lot of animals the climate is completely wrong. Especially notable for the polar bears; although granted in 30 years they'll only exist in zoos.

    Don't worry about it. On Lost the other night they found the bones of one in the desert. They also have had them on the tropical island they are on.

    On the freedom thing I like Ben's post and think of it this way. Half of NZ could barely afford to travel overseas (and we are a wealthy country). I have students who come from families who can't afford to even go away on a domestic holiday or buy decent clothes (ie more than one or two pairs of shoes or other items), pay small amounts of school fees, get the internet, pay TV, hell even ever dream of owning their own home. It's stuck renting, moving from house to house, sleeping at the uncles cos there's too many in your parents house etc with little hope of much else. I'm not going to get overly concerned about animals lazing in the sun looking bored and getting fed well and free healthcare for the duration of their lives. It's better than a couple of billion humans get.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Recreations,

    I had a disorientating feeling on Saturday evening: I was watching a game of rugby, from Eden Park's ASB Stand, and it occurred to me that I didn't know the rules. I can't recall the last time that was the case.

    This just proves that you are a genius Russell. The rest of us mere mortals have never understood any of the rules and that includes when I was playing the game.

    I get some of the new ones but Bray was making some real weird pedantic ones at the breakdown. He was particularly hard on the Blues for quite long periods at the ruck.

    I'm also not sure why they only short arm it for holding the ball in, not releasing type infringements. Isn't that just as bad as coming in from the side or being offside? Why the distinction?

    Also the halfbacks need to be behind the scrum when on defence not allowed to creep around and stuff up attacking ball.

    Cheers for the birthday congrats. 4 years is a disgraceful length of time to stick at it but it sure helps having a team rather than flying solo.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Monster Weekend,

    I don't know when the hell I am going to write that 'biography' for rage against the machine given the work that needs doing round the house before I go back to school to teach this years monkeys but I suppose I can get it done this month...maybe.

    Unfortunately the D'Area or whatever its called is too small so we didn't feel like trying to crush in there for an hour so had to be content with being about 75 metres back. Lucky I'm 6 foot and could see over most people and the video screen is very useful. Should be up 5 metres higher though for all those (mainly young ladies) who couldn't see a thing the whole time.

    As an aside, Rage must be the only group thats headlined at the BDO that gets the entire crowd cranking with songs that are now 16 years old. Or am I forgetting somebody? Metallica maybe though I don't know if they would play nearly half their set from an album that came out in 1992 or earlier when a lot in the audience were wearing nappies.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Daily Embarrassment,

    Would they use little guns because their feet are very little and an ordinary sized gun and bullets would probably shoot all their legs and body off with one shot?

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Daily Embarrassment,

    The deniers are all a little past their prime and I think craving a little attention Augie - Dutton - Mcshane. To their credit they do quote studies

    Well one of them certainly is.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rockin',

    On the earthquakes, when I saw some of the photos showing behind the bar I thought it just looked like a typical night out in the West.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rockin',

    And I see Spain has now banned smacking for good measure...

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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