Posts by Yamis

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  • Yellow Peril: Bai bai,

    A lot of young folk find it kind of amusing and 'tough' to get a little bit racist up in yo grill but bare in mind that for every one of them there are 20 at home tucked up in bed dreaming about bunny rabbits, their maiden test century, or Elle McPherson.

    My class that I teach at school (in Auckland) has 2 refugees from Myanmar, 4 Maori's, 3 Koreans, a boy with Samoan and European parents, a philipino, 1 from Denmark, 1 from South Africa, and a Fijian Indian to go with the 8 Europeans.

    I have one overtly racist lad who I'm working on but it ain't easy (cos he just doesn't care) and the rest all seem to embrace each other (literally on occasion). I'm hoping their generation makes an improvement on those that are preceding them and I think they will.

    For some personal experience, I'm married to a Korean and she has never complained of any racism being directed towards her in 3 years in Auckland. I haven't seen any either. I assume that if we decided to take a walk down Queen Street late at night we could soon change that but hell, I find people doing offensive things in those places at those times anyway including white people beating white people up.

    Those damn dirty apes!!!

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Too busy with First Life sorry,

    OK, in my 4 years living in South Korea I can honestly say that I do not recall looking at pornography on the internet. Apart from this one time when I was so blind drunk that my mate leant over to my computer in a pcroom and brought it up on screen while I was admiring the floor. I won't provide any further details to that story.

    I did have a Korean friend who seemed to have an impressive collection that he had downloaded which he forced me to watch some of but aside from that I would say 64% is way, way, way the hell over the mark. Especially considering that about half the internet traffic in Korea is females chatting with one another or football or baseball nuts, or teenagers discussing the latest k-pop group or folks visiting one of the DOZENS of Korean news portals.

    The 64% figure would be a bit like Koreans declaring that 53% of NZers have dreamt about sheep in an inappropriate manner. Of course the number would be much closer to 50%.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Real Media,

    Not really right on topic but I used my laptop in class last term to bring up the wikipedia page for a topic that we had just done assignments on. I hooked up to the projector and displayed the page on the whiteboard. At the same time I held up the students work and read from both of them. They were word for word the same. It was all rather amusing for the class and embarrassing for the lad who copied it. I teach using the demoralisation technique.

    For our current assignment a bit more of an effort is going in to put things in their own words.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: If that was the Cup, then I've…,

    What it shows is that the two times France were going to score tries they were pulled back for forward passes.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Cracker: Stoopid,

    On the issue of service...

    I needed to contact slingshot a couple of months ago and so emailed them because I couldn't be bothered waiting an eternity on the phone. Anyway, I email them, and get a reply saying they will respond within one working day and one week and three emails later I still haven't had a reply. So I call them, get it solved over the phone and get an apology for their email service being unacceptable.

    Then last week I had a query regarding a bill and so emailed again (I really should have learnt). Again I get the automated reply saying that they will respond within one working day. A week later and another follow up email and I still haven't received a reply.

    So I call up and get it sorted again over the phone before bitching about the non existent email service. I get told that they are really busy on the phones and those same people 'man' the email service and so they don't get replied to when they are busy.

    I politely replied that if you can't repond to peoples emails then either a) tell them "you may receive a reply to this email, or we may not get round to answering it", or b) "thankyou for your email. We will not reply so you had better just call us".

    I'm afraid slingshot may well go the way of telecom in this household if they let me down ONE GODDAM MORE TIME!!!!

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: Moving Right Along,

    Not much of a Tri Nations then is it?

    Yes, and if you add flour to water it's not flour anymore is it?

    But it was before it was added.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: Moving Right Along,

    Unfortunately these days the game is sold out to the dollar so regardless of how sick people get of what we get, they will keep delivering it to us.

    It's like fast food. The more you get out there (and fast while you're at it) the more you make.

    Compare that to a fine dining experience that people may enjoy because its better quality and more of a novelty.

    That restaurant will sell nowhere near as many meals.

    My theory is though, that if they want to deliver volume then they need to deliver variety in that volume. So add Argentina to the Tri nations, and also add Samoa, Tonga and Fiji as well but maybe splut them into two pools (which get juggled each year) and the corres[ponding teams from each pool play off to find the winners and the bragging rights outside that. You could play home and away and that would give 7 matches spread over about two full months.

    Unfortunately it will never happen though because all the Argentinians and Islanders play in the NH and won't get released.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: Moving Right Along,

    On the touring idea. While it has some merits..... if SA had it in 08, OZ in 09 and NZ in 10 then the poor South African fans would literally go 3-4 years without seeing the ABs or Wallabies in the flesh and the same would be repeated for fans in the other countries.

    That sure as hell ain't gonna happen.

    The simple solution is to have one test v each of South Africa, Aussie, and Argentina and then have the top two play off at the venue not used in their 'pool' match. All over in 5 weeks, two matches a weekend, games in each country.

    A better solution is to get the pacific Islands in the mix in some capacity.

    But it will never happen. They can't get their best players available (and for that matter Argentina won't be able to either).

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: Moving Right Along,

    Where that first game was considered an upset, the win against Scotland was not.

    That's for sure!

    Scotland haven't beaten Argentina since 1990. Argentina have now won 6 or 7 straight over them.

    On the downside for Argentina this weekend they are 0-11 v South Africa.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's the recrimination I don't…,

    Good call Leopold on Jonah Lomu's interview on TV 3 with Mike McRoberts.

    He was all class. My favourite comment he made was when McRoberts asked him who we should blame for the loss and Lomu said "Blame the French. They beat us".

    He has gone from being a kid who didn't know where to look in front of a camera to a very calm, confident man who is able to speak far more eloquently than 90% of the rugby population including those who make their living talking/writing.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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