Posts by Yamis

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  • Speaker: It's the recrimination I don't…,

    Danielle, you are lucky you didn't hear Deaker tonight. He is a disgrace at the moment. A caller said that its a disgrace that someone was taking his son to welcome back the ABs at the airport because no young person should get taught that its OK to be a loser.

    Deaker agreed wholeheartedly. Deaker has also managed to imply that the ABs are dumb, particularly the Pacific Island players and that we need more Pakehas. I also believe rugby players in NZ aren't a smart bunch by comparison to those from Aussie and the Northern Hemisphere. We just usually smash them with our vastly superior athletic ability but when they muscle up we get outfoxed time after time. But to blame the pacific Island players and ignore the brain explosions that several of our pakeha players made is moronic and quite frankly gives me the sh*ts.

    For gods sakes would somebody please put that boring, tired, grumpy old has been out to pasture.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's the recrimination I don't…,

    Weston, Nacewa is Fijian and ineligible for the ABs. He played for Fiji v Scotland at the 2003 world cup and I was actually surprised they overlooked him for this WC.

    But maybe it's because NZ rugby is not strong enough. Afterall Fiji stayed in the comp longer than we did :)

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's the recrimination I don't…,

    I'm just going to cut and paste what I wrote regarding that forward pass video from the sportsfreak forum to here to save me saying the same thing but with different words twice.

    "I have been saying for years that passes like those are miles forward.

    It gets passed off in the video as the passer passing the ball back but because of some velocity bullsh*t that it ends up going forward but what a load of sh*t. Look at the direction of the guys arms and hands and how it leaves his hands. IT IS THROWN FORWARD. It doesn't matter that its harder to pass the ball back when you are running forward, its still passing the ball forward.

    If a guy was able to throw a pass 40 metres from one side of the field to the other and his team mate and him were at full sprint you could get a pass thrown on the 22 and the team mate taking it on the goalline. There is no way on earth a ref would let it go and neither should they. They are basically justifying a situation where the pass could travel behind the back of a stationary defender and not be ruled forward.

    You have to swing your arms back harder and your support player needs to be either closer to you or much deeper.

    Its quite easy to replicate a situation where your arms swing way back but you throw the ball a mile forward depending at what stage of your arm swing the ball is released.

    Release early and it goes forward, release late and it goes flat or back.

    There is a way that a player can receive the ball in front of where it left his team mate.

    It is called a chip kick.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: Quantum Competition,

    I've thought about getting into reffing but quite frankly due to my personal circumstances it would be too much.

    I have a lot of respect for match officials in league and rugby because they are horrendously bad to referee due to the rules and the interpretations and the fact that they rely on imaginary lines all the time.

    Imagine if in tennis there were no lines just umpires guessing whether it was in or out because that is what an offside line is and what you have to work out for knockons and forward passes. Not to mention the srums which are simply a guess as to who is responsible for it collapsing.

    The IRB will have to depower them in my opinion and lose the flankers. I'm serious, they have to start looking more like league to make it less reliant on the match officials.

    All I have 'reffed' so far is a bit of umpiring in cricket. It's not too bad because its teenage stuff and lower grades so the kids don't argue too much but they do often question your decisions even when it's absolutely blatant. Stuffed if I would get into anything with more riding on it.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: Quantum Competition,

    Indeed. Although it's hard to see how the officials couldn't find something to penalise in this dying minutes incident on the French line. Jeez ...

    Rugby unfortunately is probably more influenced by the referee than any other sport. Though somebody might be able to think of others.

    I have seen a club rugby final this year decided on a ridiculously bad referring decision and been on the wrong end of random incorrect calls in rugby finals as well which cost us the game.

    Even our school final a month or so ago had a touch judge ballsup which decided the match.

    The IRB has to address some of the issues which can clean it up and get some more consistency in there in terms of on field decision making. And the touch judges have got to get more involved at keeping players on side and calling forward passes that get missed every time there is a linebreak as nobody can keep up with the play to accurately call them.

    The scrums are also a joke. In the Australia v England game it wasn't until the second half that the ball actually entered a scrum. Yes there had been several in the first half but every single one of them resulted in a free kick or penalty before the ball even entered and England essentially won the match on the back of the Aussie scrum falling to pieces near their own sticks several times.

    It makes a mockery of the game where field position and collapsing scrums can earn you more points than scoring tries.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: Quantum Competition,

    Most people (men especially) were just sort of walking around in a daze.

    That's how I walk around usually.

    Or else it could have been the anti depressants. During the replay of the game on TV3 this afternoon they ran the JK ad for coming forward if you are suffering from depression. I bet the phones have been ringing off the hook.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: Quantum Competition,

    Just to get a three-peat of posts after an exhaustive research session of 15 minutes I can confirm what I suspected and stir a bit more.

    The 2 penalties the ABs were awarded in the entire match was the lowest in the enitre tournament to date of 42 matches.

    We lost the count 7-2.

    3 penalties were awarded to a team twice
    4 = three times
    5 = 11 times
    6 = 13 times
    7 = 11 times
    8 = 15 times
    9 = 15 times
    10+ on 12 occasions

    So well done France. A truly remarkable display of discipline in a match where you had to defend for 70% of it.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: Quantum Competition,

    JP, perhaps they are the person that just won 5 million in powerball ;)

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: Quantum Competition,

    the way the media loses interest in covering any news stories for a good couple of weeks and devotes their energies to an in depth analysis of what color clothes a sports team is going to wear -

    Well you would have enjoyed the TV ONE news tonight... or at least will at 8:30 pm after Bathurst has finished.

    Arguably the biggest sporting story in the entire year (hell, without a doubt it is) and TV ONE aren't even running a news bulletin!

    I get annoyed by the marketing and over the top commercialism that goes on often at the expense of the actual product itself. ie. ABs not playing in the Super 14 and the ANZC, and b and c teams turning out for the ABs all the while they tell us how awesome the team is and what they eat for breakfast or drive to training in, what NZ music they like, what patch of dirt they played on as a young fulla, how we can 'roar' them on to victory, what their DNA makeup is etc etc every single day year after year.

    I suppose they have to make a buck somehow but by god the game has been so sold out to the dollar that its losing its soul. We won't even let Tonga, Fiji and Samoa play in the Super 14 and if Fiji beat the Springboks then they will have done better at the RWC than the entire fullstrength NZ team.

    Ah fiddlesticks ;)

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: Quantum Competition,

    By and large the comments from people here and elsewhere are reasonable.

    There are quite a few smiling bystanders who are enjoying putting the boot in though for some reason making random things up.

    The ref cost us the game which is fairly obvious. It's not a crime to point such things out. We still could have won it anyway despite all that and so in the wash up the ref, the mistakes, the substitutions and the game plan will all get mentioned and all be worth mentioning as they all added up to what we got.

    We did manage to play against a team who did not commit an infringement for the last 51 minutes of the match would could well be a record at this tournament though and thats some feat!

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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