Posts by Nick Shand
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Whoa only 3 exclamation marks in the title. That's not shouting at me.
As films are a collaborative art form they are better placed for developing collective strategies and supportive communities than most industries.
If there is a void in professional representation peeps generally get together and solve it.
It would not surprise me if a rival to the MEAA in NZ is now forming and if so, I wish them all the best in finding their voice.
Islander@ the whole Bill Gatez style philandering comes later in the story after you are done exploiting millions to make billions. This is something Mark Zuckerburg has yet to figure out.
My focus for this discussion is really the question of how strong is the MEAA.
Therefore what factors make for a strong union and can MEAA be seen to have them?
From my experience there is a need for all of the following (and probably a few more); continuity of knowledge/policy, training/mentoring for new active members, strong transparent democratic processes, regular quality communication with membership base, an inclusive and productive meetings culture, and active recruitment.
It would be interesting to learn how well the MEAA has been operating in past few years before they named and shamed Peter Jackson as anti-unionist.
ha ha ha Craig Ranapia you take teh forums too seriously
my comment you quoted was a bit of a wind up. My bad
Islander, um, I am a film addict so please accept that my perspective is one of suspended disbelief at Peter Jackson's achievements.
Loyalty can be insurmountable when defenders flock to a banner being raised from all the most unexpected places. I believe this is what will be achieved by Jackson's response to the threat to his project. He will receive an undercurrent of support that will quietly undermine the opposition from all sides.
I predict he will receive more help from the New Zealand public than within the industry itself. Please know that I am not speaking of the Nats and anti-unionists but the more amiable voices of whanau and friends.
A whispering of voices all pleading "Don't you want the Hobbit to be filmed in New Zealand? Don't you want to be in the Hobbit?"
Hmmm how unlike Russel Brown to be flustered by arguments on teh forums.
Key to union participation is loyalty. As job loyalty has declined so have unions in New Zealand. This was the main premise of a paper I wrote for a sociology class I took a few years back.
In my opinion Peter Jackson will command an insurmountable amount of loyalty for the good he has done in New Zealand.
The MEAA is clumsy to challenge his loyalty. Our loyalty to one union should not automatically equate to loyalty for all. Unions should first prove competence before we stand by them.
But now that the bandwagon has been rickety rolled out, the political point scoring circus begins and all perspectives (no matter how lucid) will receive the 'whose side are you on' distortion.
Yet it is a fine thing that Russel Brown will retain the loyalty he has earned through years of service to bfm listeners and public address readers alike, no matter how he is now being framed at The Standard.
Peter Jackson has perceived this saber rattling from the MEAA as a threat to all Hobbits. But perhaps what we are witnessing is the MEAA's NZ death rattle.
That the MEAA have let their legal incorporated society status lapse may neither be a conspiracy or moronic incompetence, just simply a lack members willing to do the often thankless administrative work.
As a staunch unionist through the years I have come to appreciate how unions and incorporated societies are only as strong as the quality of active members they have and can continue to attract.
It is difficult for me to believe that the MEAA will attract significant new NZ members with this 'clumsy' attack on a film industry hero. It is also likely to lose members if its own internal communications have been as clumsy as its public ones. Therefore what we may be witnessing is the death of a union and my heart felt sympathies go out to all who have cared passionately for the MEAA and its NZ predecessors.
TIL what the word "fisk" is evolving to mean
whenever I come accross new word I urban dictionary it and hope what I read won't melt my brain
yesterday i learned the TIL means "Today I Learned"
It has been a long while since I have felt Social Responsibility at this frequency.
No knowledge of 'the secret' is required to help and empower me in posting a cutting cathartic remark.
My personal definition of social responsibility, which FOStR so casually offended, has now been appeased.
Thank you. I feel better now for following this thread even though I currently have no friends in common with G Thake.