Posts by Ross Mason

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  • Hard News: Christchurch: Square Two, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I sound like a girl

    The cig tar had not yet hardened the vocal cords Russ.

    Edit: Beard is still there and the rising eyebrows.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Christchurch: Square Two,

    I am thinking of my dear friend who I went down to Chch to see recently

    Thanks Jackie, you just reminded me. I have been watching TV1 news and I see the signer is active again at the news conferences. But I suspect TVNZ may be getting angry emails from sign "listeners". Did anyone notice that the sound bite is getting clipped as soon as the voice is finished and in all probablility - judging by watching the signers previously - the sign watchers will be getting only half the mes.......

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Christchurch: Square Two,

    The liquifaction parts of Chch seem to have lowered themselves towards the centre of the earth...again. I know David H acknowledges that the engineering can be designed to "cope". His chassis idea has merit compared to putting down 9m(!!) piles under a "simple" house as I saw on tele the other night.

    But how many times need this occur? It looks like there will be a few decades of these bloody things banging away. How much and how many times need you truck in fill to raise your plot of land to keep your arse out of the shit? Who the f%^k pays for this? Think New Orleans.Over a couple of centuries and it is below the Mississippi. In less than 100 years global warming sea rise has a good chance of flooding those liquified places. Maybe it might, just might, be useful to think about moving.

    In Wellington, if it wasn't for the 1855 earthquake we wouldn't have the best cricket ground in the world, an instant highway along the harbour or a tract of land to pipe the sewer out to sea. We went up. Chch - or parts of it at least - are fast(?) going down.

    You have drawn the short straw this time. the rest of us - and our decendents - will pick the slightly longer one next time.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Christchurch: Square Two,

    It appears that the engineers might have been right in not allowing the CBD to open after the Feb quake.

    It don't look good for the insurance / EQC either with the article about "when-am-I-covered-after- a-quake-but-you-have-not-paid-out." Don't cha just love the "small print".

    I hope that when the Govt gets around to buying up all the tracts of land where owners decided to shift out and make the best of it somewhere else, that the "redistribution" of the property to the next wave of developers and landlords is done in a fair and equitable manner that is clear and open and uninfluenced by donations to political parties.

    Edite: Heh. And from Lucy's Onion link above:

    "What we're seeing here is the same old scientific mumbo jumbo and partisan rhetoric that the Earth has been spewing out for millennia," Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) said. "We're not going to be bullied by a celestial body that has time and again failed to deliver on its promise to glorify and reward mankind with its bounty."

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: One Hundred and Thirty-one…,

    Earthquakes 2856 as @ 3-50pm, 13 June.
    Bicycles 0.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Here's one I prepared earlier,

    Naturopaths reckon the MoH doesn't say enough about the ill-effects of immunisation.

    And from the link to the Naturopaths media release:

    The NZSN are disturbed by the plan to issue all children with a certificate of vaccination on entering school.

    Just after my first swimming lesson in Primer 1, I got a certificate that said I could put my head under water (heh, some may say I shouldn't have lifted it but I digress). There were places for stickers where I could show further swimming achievements like reaching 25 yds, 50 yds, life saving, 300 yds, 400yds etc. I got all those eventually.

    Funny, somehow I think it enabled me to survive some close calls in pools, the surf and rivers.

    I can say the same thing about getting immunised as a kid. I am glad I didn't get polio.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Here's one I prepared earlier,

    Could the tetanus shot really be the reason for the sweats? Infections usually cause sweats rather than vaccinations..................sounds like you were really crook but. I go to check out Hilary.......what makes me think I am in for a yelling-at-the-screen session.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: One Hundred and Thirty-one…, in reply to Islander,

    Well actually, these roads were designed for an even slower mode of transport. Horses. Bikes are smaller and faster.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: One Hundred and Thirty-one…, in reply to David Haywood,

    Heck, that’s a bit harsh! I certainly don’t read Jeffrey Paparoa Holman’s contribution as an attack on Maoridom;

    Heh. Check out Dilbert in today's dom post. Those who can't read it have to wait until tomorrow for it to appear here on

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: One Hundred and Thirty-one…, in reply to Islander,

    I think that THESE is what the "bad mannered" road users are akin to.

    AKA: "The General NZ Driving Arsehole". And you can't tell me you don't see them everyday!!

    "General" here does not mean population general, rather, the person(s) generally characterised by Goofy, possessed, and influencing many more of the "general population".

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

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