Posts by Dinah Dunavan

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  • Hard News: Undie Wankers,

    Do we really need to make criminals of these people?

    Um, I rather got the impression that they were making criminals of themselves.

    and we did promise we'd behave ourselves after last year

    The Undie 500 was not officially run last year but Otago students still managed to create mayhem. Wikipedia tells me that in 2008 an unofficial run was made to Dunedin and the subsequent partying resulted in 30 arrests, most from Otago Uni, or non-students.

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • Hard News: Undie Wankers,

    There does seem to be an attitude in Dunedin (and NZ) that university students are a class above the hoi polloi. Young men and women getting up to larks and japes, which they shouldn't be held to account for as they are the future leaders of our country. We were amazed when we moved to this part of the world at the leniency shown students by civic leaders and police.

    It is a bit unfair to blame the Undie 500 for the problems in Dunedin. The Hyde street party has been a riot in previous years and this year the Toga parade down George street was a disgusting display. Dunedin students don't need much of an excuse to burn couches, throw bottles, vomit and urinate.

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • Hard News: Be the party of good science,

    Well National won last year by becoming more like Labour

    As far as I can tell National won by telling people it was more like Labour but has actually shown itself to be very much like National with a good dose of ACT.

    If the Maori Party was going to make a deal with National on the ETS why the hell didn't they get seats on the Super (dooper) City? So far the Maori Party seems like a waste of space for Maori.

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • Hard News: Be the party of good science,

    It disturbs me that Labour appears to be trying to woo voters back by being more like National.

    After the election a cousin said to me as we argued about politics "but you must admit we needed a change". That told me all I needed to know about why he voted right instead of left. Because he was bored with the current faces and wanted a 'change'. He had no idea of the policies of either party, and he didn't care.

    I'd rather politicians stood a little above the whole nasty mud slinging going on. If a few nasty small minded bloggers and reporters call you names, maybe you should ignore them. The more attention a bully gets the worse they become. You see it in schools, the bully feeds off the attention and that attention brings others in to the bully's circle and they become bullies too. So rational behaviour is put aside in the frenzy of nastiness.

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • Up Front: Disunited,

    Emma, clearly you were a gorgeous young woman as the photo testifies to. The dress now ...

    I enjoyed my school reunion. Partied up with friends I see every few years and gossiped about the ones who weren't there. It was good to catch up with some old friends and I was sorry not to see more. I've been informed that 40 is too young for a reunion. So maybe in 22 years when the school celebrates its 75th I'll see more people I remember (I've never got into the 10yr thing - particularly as not all my friends were in my year).

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • Hard News: America: Chill out!,

    As told by a friend in New York while we discussed health care. Her mother decided to drop her supplementary insurance* (to save money). Then ended up in hospital for 3 or 4 weeks. Personal cost because she had dropped her supplementary insurance was $5,000 per day. That would bankrupt a lot of people.

    *Supplementary to Medicare, which as I understand it is a government medical insurance scheme for the elderly but doesn't cover all hospital bills, so a lot of people pay supplementary insurance.

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Gotcha?,

    Russell should demote you to last on his list

    No no no. I like Emma being last. That way I never have any trouble finding her in the list. (Sorry all you others but she is my favourite.)

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • Up Front: Does My Mortgage Look Like a…,

    Yay for vege booty. Sadness that I only got to consume 2 packets (shared worse luck) on our recent trip. Does anyone in NZ stock it?

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • Up Front: Does My Mortgage Look Like a…,

    Maybe the next round of ALAC ads will have a bloke getting hammered and then waking up the next morning to find himself charged with rape.

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • Up Front: Does My Mortgage Look Like a…,

    I am rather disturbed at the way feminism has been turned into girl powa. Somehow it is supposed to be liberating for girls (according to music videos and advertising) to wear underwear with porn-related images on them, undies made to look like boys undies, bras designed to thrust more than you have up and out, and to dance as if you had an pole (to slide on or up your ...). And that is the pre-teens.

    I'm all for looking gorgeous when I go out and never one to hide behind baggy clothes but wtf with everyone trying to look like one of heffs wannabees?

    Love the Tui ad, but I still wont drink the stuff. yuk!

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

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