Posts by Dinah Dunavan

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  • OnPoint: What gorilla?,

    We built our first country residence out of a shipping container. It has a ranch slider, pot belly stove with wet back, and window. We also added a removeable separate roof. Apart from the lack of insulation it was a very good basic place to stay while the main house was built. The separate roof means that the rusty roof is likely to last longer than otherwise and can be removed when we move the container. The main advantage is that when we go away the whole place can be locked up pretty damn securely. (The window has its own steel cover and bars.)
    I think it makes a perfect kiwi crib.

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • OnPoint: What gorilla?,

    There should some rule that talkback radio disqualifies you from having another job in media

    Or being a (super) mayor.

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • Island Life: I am curious. Yellow?,

    We always love arriving home from o/s to Auckland airport. Weather permitting we walk to the nearest bit of grass, take off our shoes, and feel NZ under our feet.

    Sea-Tac comes the closest for that experience. We had a few hours there once, asked a taxi driver to take us to a restaurant for a meal. He suggested we walk across the road instead. We did, but first we walked on the grass and took our shoes off. And watched people arriving and departing. Then we crossed the road and had dinner at a 13 Coins (basic but hearty).

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • Hard News: On the Waterfront,

    So has Auckland sorted all its infrastructure problems out then? I don't pay much attention to local news that doesn't directly affect me. But I had this idea that Auckland had a bit of a problem with water and power and roads and stuff that all were going to cost shit loads of money. And maybe that John Banks campaigned against spending $$$ of rates on these fripperies. (Don't all shout me down at once, please.)

    Waterfront development for public use - is the best. Wellington has a great waterfront, I don't agree with everything the council (various) has done in past 20 years but I think what has been done is not bad. Auckland really should get with the (waterfront) program.

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ups and Downs,

    I think I agree with Craig (should I seek medical attention?).

    Act may not have a 'mandate' but they are part of the National led gummint. Anything Rodney does he can only do with the support of National (or the majority or parliament).

    One could be cynical and suggest that at the next election Key (or who-ever replaces him) will be saying "Act did all those terrible things, don't vote for them, vote for us, we're the nice ones".

    Act, I think, is trying to get as much through in the next two years as they can, as they sure as hell wont be around after that. (Please, please, please.)

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • Not Guilty,

    ps - I've been computer free for two days.

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • Not Guilty,

    The prosocution and newspapers have made absolute certain that we see DB as a geeky man. Does being a geek make someone a criminal? The one 'fact' I got out of the Watson trial was that he was a sleezy creep. I've never met the guy.

    How on earth can we judge people on media created personalities.

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • Not Guilty,

    I'm pretty damn certain that if I got home and found my family murdered my call to 111 would be completely incoherent. I would probably be unable to make that call a year later without making a complete mess of it. Why do we think that someone will make sense when describing a horrific scene.

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • Not Guilty,

    I probably would be uncomfortable inviting him into my home

    This reminds me of being told that a friend's father had said "well, I don't hate maoris but I wouldn't invite one into my home"

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Budget 2009: “Aww, shit.”…,

    WANTED: gib fixers, roading contractors, and prison wardens.

    oh oh oh. I just worked out a way for NZ to make money. Sell our prison services overseas. Make NZ a prison island. That way we can all work for International Correction Inc. Building new prisons, keeping the prisoners in line. We can get them to work on our roads, on our farms and do all those messy jobs. I can't think why no-one hasn't thought of it before. Better for the environment than buying toxic waste.

    Dunedin • Since Jun 2008 • 186 posts Report

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