Hard News: A cog in the Mediaworks machine
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Also: the promise that Glucina wouldn’t impinge on the Mediaworks newsroom appears not have lasted long.
She poached two of the newsroom’s online journalists – this is on top of Francis Cook coming from Scoop (and fair enough and good luck to him). So they’re throwing resources at this thing.
Other online staff have quit, apparently because they’re just a bit fucked off with it all. Paul Henry’s show is now onto its third online editor. The days of TV3’s news team having the lowest churn in the industry are very much gone.
Glucina’s insistence that she’s really a journalist rings about as hollow as Hosking claiming he’s not one. It must be depressing to be one of the genuine journalists at TV3.
Simon Day’s story blames Weldon for bringing her to Mediaworks and one suspects his hand is behind some of the “names” lined up for the show. Like Paul Henry’s daughter (I kid you not) who will host a Tinder dating show amusingly called Bella Finds a Fella. Surely Meet the Meat would have been catchier?
Never one to undermine the self-importance of his office, Key senior will appear in something called Celebrity Mansions – a little thank you for Glucina’s trashing of Amanda Bailey perhaps?
God help us all.
She is very good at her job, forging sources prepared to leak her information.
Forging! sources. I was gobsmacked at that, and I wondered for a moment if you had perhaps mistyped it, Russell. But those are exactly the words printed in the column.
Did Simon Day really mean to say that she just makes things up?
There will be the usual pillaging of the social media production of local sportspeople and their significant others.
Serious question: is this a skill that journalism schools should be teaching now – how to turn a tweet by Lorde or Jemaine Clement into a 300-word article?
I’m all for a fun local gossip/showbiz news site, but it had better have some fresh local content, otherwise what’s the point?
Russell Brown, in reply to
Did Simon Day really mean to say that she just makes things up?
No, no. As in “forging links”.
James Butler, in reply to
Forging! sources. […] Did Simon Day really mean to say that she just makes things up?
Or rather, puts people under relentless heat and pressure until they bend like putty in her hands.
Russell Brown, in reply to
I’m all for a fun local gossip/showbiz news site, but it had better have some fresh local content, otherwise what’s the point?
It’ll have some, but I’m willing to bet it’ll be the usual suspects.
You need to be trusted and to rub shoulders with people who know what’s going on to be a good gossip columnist. I thought Spy when Andy Pickering was there was good at what it did. He had fashion and music connections of long standing, and he’d been a magazine editor. It all adds up. Otherwise you just end up dealing with press releases and shit that people want to fling at other people.
Deborah, in reply to
Yes indeed. I can what he meant to say ie. forging links with sources. It’s just that those two missing words have the unfortunate consequence of implying that her practice is fraudulent, or per James’ reading of it, at best manipulative.
Rich Lock, in reply to
is this a skill that journalism schools should be teaching now – how to turn a tweet by Lorde or Jemaine Clement into a 300-word article?
Yes indeed. I can what he meant to say ie. forging links with sources. It’s just that those two missing words have the unfortunate consequence of implying that her practice is fraudulent, or per James’ reading of it, at best manipulative.
Reckon I could spin a few hundred words of sub-Freudian analysis out of that choice of wording, for a couple of hundred bucks…..Any offers…? No…?
What’s the bet key will be showing us his Omaha mansion as the Parnell wont go over with the punters
Presumably the rest of the Mediaworks stable has been given instructions (not in writing, of course) to push this website’s “stories” as news, no matter how flimsy or flaky.
Within a week, expect Mike McRoberts and Hilary Barry to grimace at 6 pm as they dutifully deliver the plug (“after the break … who’s the former All Black who says he won’t be appearing on Masterchef?”).
Sacha, in reply to
“which opponent of Glorious Leader has been fingered by the feds?”
kw, in reply to
Spot the South Islander, but does anyone outside Auckland know who half the NZers (as opposed to international names) she writes about are? The few times I’ve recognised somebody, I didn’t care either. So while she might be influential or whatever in the bubble of central/affluent Auckland, if this influence is overstated nationally, the exercise could turn out to be more egg on the face of Mediaworks.
Sacha, in reply to
most Aucklanders only ‘know’ because the commercial radio they commute with is pushing the same vacuous celeb stories at them. Great stuff happening in pop culture, just not via our bullshit media empires.
Russell Brown, in reply to
Presumably the rest of the Mediaworks stable has been given instructions (not in writing, of course) to push this website’s “stories” as news, no matter how flimsy or flaky.
Yes, I assume that’s the case.
Great piece, but I think you missed some of the best bits of the promotional video. It gave examples of the stories to come, including:
“the truth about their steamy affair”;
“my night with a rock star”;
“destroyed by fame”; and
“ex-wives’ revenge bodies”. -
I think I’ll stick with CakeOven & The Spinoff
Damian Christie, in reply to
Yes, I assume that’s the case.
I’m told there’s going to be a minute of Scout material playing before 3 News – creating the unfortunate sense that it is in fact leading…
Mediaworks. It shouldn’t.
“EXCLUSIVE: Hosking hoovers new Ferrari on street”
That’s Scout’s launch-day lead. I shit you not.
Paul Henry TV was on when I went past living room earlier and the young social media woman who was announcing the launch of Scout did not look or sound that thrilled about it.
The Hosking story is Glucina’s and almost beyond parody:
EXCLUSIVE: Mike Hosking, New Zealand’s richest broadcaster – who is believed to earn $1.2m for his NewstalkZB radio show each year – has been spotted by SCOUT cruising in his new hot wheels – a racy red Ferrari. But the multi-millionaire motor-mouth and connoisseur of the finer things in life is not above embracing his inner cleaning lady and can be seen most days fastidiously taking to the Italian supercar with a dust buster!
Mike is – quite literally – a motor maid.
“Mike hoovers his machine after nearly every drive,” said an observer. “He is quite OCD about it. He used to be an almost daily visitor to Washworld. But you’d think after splurging all that money, on what some deem a midlife crisis car, he’d pay someone to clean it. It’s good to see he’s not above getting down and dusty.”
In an exclusive video for SCOUT, Hosking was spotted coming out of his Remuera home with a handheld vacuum.
There are also earnest “Life”, “Style” and “Views” sections, and Francis Cook is clearly trying gamely, but his stuff feels like a guy with an Honours degree trying to write down.
I can see what they’re aiming at, but it needs someone with more ability and experience than Glucina at the helm. There are kids working in online editorial for the major media companies who could have stepped up to run something like this, and it would have been better.
I find Rachel Glucina as reprehensible as the next person, but I do think everyone here should watch Anne Helen Peterson’s excellent Webstock talk What we talk about when we talk about Brangelina
How does a 42 year-old woman who’s had a part-time job at a newspaper and a PR company with no clients afford lately to buy a “big” house in Ponsonby and invest in a new media joint venture?
Same way everyone does – use the flexi mortgage to meet the payments on the fixed mortgage and recapitalize often? Plus a bit of help from mummy and daddy, you’d think? Who are mummy and daddy in this case?
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