Hard News: Home Brewed
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Couldn’t find the “techno” version but this is pretty good:
“My Heart will go on” – Drunk Russian version.
Still think this might be the worst:
Say it with flowers
posying your own clips
But thanks a bunch for the U2 cover! :-) Am managing to type this between sobs of hilarity.
the riled bunch…
…you can revive it by posying your own clips
To flow on from Lilith’s floral derangement
- I assume you’re saying we should be pretentious and attempt to impress others with sprays and nosegays from a corsage…
:- ) -
The UK Voice is quality entertainment. It’s a holier-than-thou take on the TV talent show. Admittedly all the singers can properly sing and there are a few unconventional types, but ultimately – because human beings and not robots are watching – it’s the pretty young guy singers that are popular with viewers. I have no doubt that a local version of The Voice would do exceptionally well in New Zealand. Just so long as the judges don’t try that singing shit.
But hey, it’s NZ Music Month! I’m having fun over at 5000 Ways. Thanks to NZ On Air, a few old clips are emerging from the vaults, online for the first time. Two highlights so far:
Joint Force “Static” (1995)
Otis, Slave and DLT. Quality Aotearoa hip hop with a super cool Tarantino-inspired video.Supergroove “Here Comes the Supergroove” (1992)
Average age 18, ambitious young dudes bursting on the scene with a musical manifesto, and signs of what was to become their signature video style. -
Speaking of posying, is it just me, or is this channeling Lee Scratch Perry? Maybe just me.
Home Brew are, somewhat inevitably, having a party to launch their record. It’s in an unused brothel
Egad! I’m intrigued. Are we talking ‘unused’ as in unfrequented or ‘unused’ as in fresh condom?
It’s a brothel in the making, or a brothel yet to be, a wannabe brothel.
Not local, but thoroughly, thoroughly awesome.
Canterbury Tales Remixed album
We bought this last night. -
its a former brothel, now a bar/backpackers. Tho they still have the stripper pole in the bar.
Was that clip from the voice supposed to be like the master class section from master chef? Surely they didn’t sit down after that and start judging the contestants? Please no.
What with talk of Canterbury Tales and bordellos
I’m thinking the time is ripe for some literary crossovers
perhaps Shakespeare and Bro Town = Brothello!What about someone rapping Blake’s Proverbs of Hell
from The Marriage of Heaven and Hell -
not to mention Tommy Ill
Scott Chris, in reply to
Shakespeare and Bro Town = Brothello!
Perish the thought:
Even now, now, very now,
(uhuh, yo)
an old black muthafuckin ram
Is tupping your white ass ewe.
(Yeah, uh, yo)
Your daughter an yo mama and the Moor are now making the muthafuckin beast with two backs.Iago Muthafuckin Loco, scene I
Current fave old Soul nugget:
Johnson, Hawkins, Tatum & Durr, “You Can’t Blame Me”,
Columbus, Ohio,
Capsoul, 1971. -
Jeremy Eade, in reply to
Still think this might be the worst
That scarred me.
And an actual music video – ‘Plastic Magic’, featuring Esther Stephens
Is it just me thinking that – in the bath scene in this video – Tom Scott looks like a morph between Andrew Fagan and Chris Knox? Spooky, though not inappropriate.
Dave Patrick, in reply to
Still think this might be the worst:
It has the benefit of being shorter than the original, and it’s strangely appealing…..
Off topic, but nice to see Stella Duffy listing @publicaddress as one of her three picks in the Observer yesterday. A ‘celebrity tweeter’, woo:
Russell Brown @publicaddress
I grew up in NZ and this links to NZ, US and non-Euro stories our press tends not to cover. Also good on music (which I’m not).http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/may/06/twitter-top-feeds-celebrity-tweeters
On the record…
as reported in Pitchfork the virtual John Peel repository is now on line it’s quite neat, you can even see what the first 100 of each alphabetical shelf of Vinyl holds… though they have quite few to do yet – a work in progress -
Slightly off topic too, but have you seen the Amanda Palmer kickstarter project for her upcoming album? After $100K to help produce and distribute the album independently, five days in over half a million has been pledged.
http://blog.amandapalmer.net/post/22094057585/its-my-birthday-and-heres-what-i-would-love -
I respect how Amanda Palmer works social media… I wish her music was as inspiring… but its not, its pants
An appalling tribute to Adam Yauch (unless you like Coldplay I guess)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LVr4UP9ntLs -
Russell Brown, in reply to
I respect how Amanda Palmer works social media… I wish her music was as inspiring… but its not, its pants
She’s a performing arts graduate. I’m not big on her records, but I thought the ninja gig I saw her do in Civic Square in Wellington was brilliant.
But what you and I think matters much less than the fact that hundreds of thousands of teenage girls utterly relate to her, in a very healthy way. If I had a teenage daughter, I’d be delighted if she listened to Amanda Palmer.
AFP in Civic Square was lotsa fun. So was reeling about on stage with her and others closing Webstock. But the real Kickstarter juice for me this week was Auckland webcomic artist Li Chen, who got nearly double her $US35k in a week where other NZ crowd sourcers (scientist, screenwriter) were aiming far too low…
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