Hard News: Hug Reform
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Hugs are fine. Just leave the ponytail alone.
Ali Williams doesn’t just hug JC, he nails him with his shoulder flush on the chin.
Had to look that one up.
The terms empathogen and entactogen are used to designate a class of psychoactive drugs that produce experiences of emotional communion, oneness, relatedness, emotional openness—that is, empathy or sympathy—as particularly observed and reported for experiences with MDMA (ecstasy).
Hug reform, nice.
Hug reform
I see what you did there:
Ugh to Hug…;- )
Paul Rowe, in reply to
If that’s what I think it was Pete, I would have kissed Mick Mills myself on that day in 1978.
John Campbell may have become one of the first sports reporters to suffer whiplash from covering a game of rugby. Ali’s a BIG unit.
Peter Darlington, in reply to
If that’s what I think it was Pete, I would have kissed Mick Mills myself on that day in 1978.
You are absolutely correct. First FA Cup Final I ever saw. I’ve enjoyed seeing Arsenal getting beaten ever since.
Ali Williams….
rugger hugger?
Russell Brown, in reply to
Ali Williams doesn’t just hug JC, he nails him with his shoulder flush on the chin.
That’s why JC is crying.
Bit gay? …..lols cldne resist
As unions grew stronger and stronger in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, capitalism demanded that bonds of solidarity be weakened. Thus it is that the frostiest interpersonal behaviour is found in those Protestant countries where industrialisation and the factory model are or were strongest.
Since the power of the labour movement got smashed from the 70s onwards, it’s been ok to allow physical demonstrations of friendship, but only in support of commodified activities that encourage commerce. Truly free activities that require no equipment or admittance fee, like fucking, remain out of bounds.
Sorry, I just woke up at the keyboard.
Paul Rowe, in reply to
My first FA Cup was 1980. Brooking’s goal had the same impact for me (on hating the Arsenal that is)
Russell Brown, in reply to
I literally laughed out loud. Bravo.
Rob Hosking, in reply to
Since the power of the labour movement got smashed from the 70s onwards, it’s been ok to allow physical demonstrations of friendship, but only in support of commodified activities that encourage commerce.
You know, taking off my sceptical Tory hat for a minute, and putting on my whimsical social observer hat, I can almost see this.
The rise of the High Five, with its often competitive element, coincides with the period you’re talking about.
There is such a thing as a Thinking Too Much About Stuff Threshold and I think, somewhere, we have passed it.
Peter Darlington, in reply to
My first FA Cup was 1980. Brooking’s goal had the same impact for me (on hating the Arsenal that is)
Yeh, that cemented it!
BlairMacca, in reply to
My first FA Cup was 1980. Brooking’s goal had the same impact for me (on hating the Arsenal that is)
Yeh, that cemented it!
And for me, being a 7 year old Liverpool fan at the time, 1989 sealed my Arsenal hatred. The next year I moved on to Spurs (for my sins), so the hatred of the Arse continued to this day
Hug and snog to your heart’s content, but let us not embrace the latest fad … joyous celebration before the try is scored. “Where’s the camera? Wave! Hand signals!” … oops, dropped it.
Did George Gregan and Jeff Wilson teach us nothing? Put the ball down, then you can have an orgy the length of the field. Just put it down first.
Also, leave the kicker out of it, his job’s not done.
Rosemary McDonald, in reply to
Did George Gregan and Jeff Wilson teach us nothing?
Jeff was the original sensitive guy…and his teammate Josh…
(Highlanders loss to the Crusaders 2000)
This poses some obvious problems for people who are generally uncomfortable with hugging or being hugged.
I’m okay with a brief hug. Even a slightly longer hug. But I have one friend here in Manawatu who insists on a very long hug, and I always feel, well, trapped.
My daughters have kindly informed me that I’m not very good at hugs. To wit: “Mum, you’re not very good at hugs.”
I don’t WANT to be good at hugs.
Hyper masculine hugs…give em a taste of kiwi.
Coincidentally perhaps, man-hugs are on the always-great Stephen Collins’s agenda this week, at a time certain English blokes require consolation:
Celebration hug!
I have been liberated from pondering the conceptual basis of the fastidiously stacked firewood on the Hard News twitter banner. Not it is.
Aaah, sweet relief.
Ian Dalziel, in reply to
Stacker lead…
…the conceptual basis of the fastidiously stacked firewood on the Hard News twitter banner
at Loggerheads?
Stowing dis-Cord?
or Accord for that matter
a cord of wood,
a cord is also a thread,
or at least a good lead…But as it’s Russell, I’m guessing it’s an oblique tip of the hat to The Saints!
;- )
Russell Brown, in reply to
But as it’s Russell, I’m guessing it’s an oblique tip of the hat to The Saints!
I actually just liked the way the light fell on my nicely-stacked wood – but now you’ve brought it up, I’m going to fish out that 7” and play it at Real Groovy on Saturday!
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