Hard News: Will the grown-ups ever arrive home?
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So what the hell does it take for Currie to be put on permanent gardening leave until his contract runs out?
Which leaves us with another aspirant: Mike Hosking. Again, an adult in the building might have forestalled Hosking’s vile, victim-blaming attack on Bailey on Seven Sharp last week; might have saved him, and his poor colleagues, from himself and his own screaming lack of self-awareness.
But Hosking is a presenter at TVNZ, which makes him akin to a god. No one will tell him he’s a monster, so it is left to a former colleague to bluntly do so.
Giovanni Tiso and others, including myself, have already written about Hosking’s victim blaming to Rabo Direct, the main sponsor of Seven Sharp.
And if anyone hasn’t already done so, there’s still time to take Currie & Glucina to the Press Council over the the bait-and-switching of Amanda Bailey.
and the photopages seem to revolve largely around the Auckland National Party scene that is perhaps the key to all this.
Not the YaYa Club, by chance? It sounds a bit like the Oxford Bullingdon Club, but with new money instead of old money.
Kumara Republic, in reply to
So what the hell does it take for Currie to be put on permanent gardening leave until his contract runs out?
Maybe a few phone hackings.
Craig Ranapia, in reply to
Maybe a few phone hackings.
And let’s remember that blew up just over a decade after the media solemnly lined up behind Princess Diana’s coffin, and promised to clean up their act.
Honestly, and I’m not proud to be this cynical, I think the only way an adult is getting into this particular room is when The Herald and the “gossip media” manage to hound someone into a suicide’s grave.
the Auckland National Party scene that is perhaps the key to all this
Yep, all these people are only in jobs at all because their various parents and so on are plugged into a rich-Auckland back-scratching clique. Employing Pebbles Hooper as a “journalist’?
Also, does Mr Currie realise a fundamental commercial fact about people who read the paper in cafes?
There are real issues of accountability here too – it’s a bit “who watches the watchmen” but who does hold them to task? I know there’s the Press Council but that’s like complaining to the Ombudsmen…
Because Fairfax haven’t really given it much coverage (I assume because there but for the grace of God go them…).
Brent Edwards’ take-down on Twitter was fantastic, but it needs more.
I emailed Shayne Currie with some questions for a piece I was doing on it and got nada. Not even an acknowledgement.
Kumara Republic, in reply to
Honestly, and I’m not proud to be this cynical, I think the only way an adult is getting into this particular room is when The Herald and the “gossip media” manage to hound someone into a suicide’s grave.
Or if Graeme McCready had the financial resources of George Soros.
That column didn’t need to happen, but it happened.
Glad you didn’t link to it. Saw the author and title, shuddered, moved on. Someone with Jones’ power and privilege having a sensible thought about abusing power over subordinates? Yeah right. I can never get over the fact that we’re talking about a former champion boxer who basically got away with punching someone’s face in on camera.
This just in from TVNZ:
Thank you for your email received 28 April, in which you lodged a formal complaint about Seven Sharp shown on 23 April on TV ONE. Your email has been forwarded to the TVNZ Complaints Committee as you have nominated programme standards in your complaint. If you did not wish to make a formal complaint please let us know and we will facilitate an informal response for you.
Section 6 of the Broadcasting Act provides for formal complaints to be examined first by the broadcaster. Should you be dissatisfied with TVNZ’s decision you will have the opportunity to refer this matter to the Broadcasting Standards Authority for review.
Formal complaints are tested against programme standards developed under the Broadcasting Act (an approved Code under section 4(1) of the Act). As you request, your complaint will be considered under Standards 4, 5 & 6. A full list of Standards can be found at http://tvnz.co.nz/tvnz-corporate-comms/making-formal-complaint-4919769. Please contact us within seven days of receipt of this email if you wish to nominate other Standards.
Broadcasters have 20 working days to respond to formal complaints. The enquiry into your complaint will begin shortly. We will advise you of TVNZ’s decision as soon as we can.
Yours sincerely
Complaints Committee
James W, in reply to
Honestly, and I’m not proud to be this cynical, I think the only way an adult is getting into this particular room is when The Herald and the “gossip media” manage to hound someone into a suicide’s grave.
The Debbie Gerbich case gets very close.
izogi, in reply to
Honestly, and I’m not proud to be this cynical, I think the only way an adult is getting into this particular room is when The Herald and the “gossip media” manage to hound someone into a suicide’s grave.
I think I’m even more cynical than you on this. To me it seems the irresponsibility being shown is the same kind which would, I’m sure, be perfectly complacent with blaming suicide on the victim.
Roger Lacey, in reply to
I emailed Shayne Currie with some questions for a piece I was doing on it and got nada. Not even an acknowledgement.
What’s his address? The Herald “Letter to the Editor” link is down at the moment.
TracyMac, in reply to
I worked in a Jones- owned building that had a couple of specimens of semi- pornographic, sexist “art” in the foyer. ( Disclaimer: most porn is fine to me outside my working environment, and I do not have a Dworkinesque view of sexism. )
When I got up the gumption to ask our company’s admin what the “art” was there for, the story goes that some woman working in the building had complained to Jones about his less- evolved views. So he personally selected the art and had it placed where it could be seen by her everytime she entered the building.
Let’s just say that nothing in his columns has given me the impression that such a reputation of petty dickishness is entirely undeserved. Nor the blatant sexism.
Bob, Bob, Bob…
I remember the odd friday night drinks at NBR (early ’80s in Wellington) when Bob Jones would show up and hold court, usually turning this into a misogynist master-class…
He seemed to think everyone should respect him and his opinions, I’ve always found respect is something earned.
Once a plonker – always a plonker… -
I’m just glad (and sorry it’s a link to Harold) that Amanda has Unite advising her of her options and possibility of legal action
Sofie Bribiesca, in reply to
heh, still 5466 posts there Ian :)
william blake, in reply to
Bob, Bob, Bob…
A real floater.
Ian Dalziel, in reply to
A real floater
buoys will be buoys…
BenWilson, in reply to
A real floater.
Stained the bowl, and he won’t go down.
Ian Dalziel, in reply to
and he won’t go down.
does a roil flush beat a full louse?
Only if you’re playing poke ’er down.
Can I just throw an “eewww” into the discourse?
5466 is the magic number
(somehow) -
Can I just say that comparing Bob Jones to a turd is very unkind to the turd. I can fertilise the garden with a turd and grow something lifegiving and useful. How about comparing him to a dose of the clap.
Sacha, in reply to
or a neoliberal neutron bomb
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