Southerly: Liveblog: Moving House (Literally)
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All the best, Daivd – I get vicariously exhausted at the more conventional. less literal, kind of house moving so may the odds be ever in your favour!
Best of luck. It always rains when I move house – hopefully that won’t be an issue.
I can just imagine that Bob is beside himself with joy watching all the big machinery in action!
Graeme Edgeler, in reply to
I can just imagine that Bob is beside himself with joy watching all the big machinery in action!
Surely he gets to ride inside the house?
Is the chair on the front porch some sort of “out of level detector” ? You’ll know if the chair has fallen over by the time it reaches destination the house went past 45 degrees from Horizontal at some stage in it’s journey.
Either that or you forgot to add “Move chair from front porch” to your To Do list
Sacha, in reply to
Surely he gets to ride inside the house?
the insurance person is reading, remember :)
It’s amazing how toy-like the house looks, when it’s up in the air in bits…surely it’s not possible to do that to a real house…??
Good lord, you don’t do things by halves!
Well, actually…
Good luck! Congratulations on getting to this point. Well done for all the work! Not finished yet, presumably, but I expect from now on it’s all going to feel really good, every task completed will be a put up, rather than a pull down. Filling holes rather than making them!
This is quite the adventure! It’s like a fulfilment of the ultimate dadjoke fantasy – when moving house literally means picking up the house and moving it.
Dear God, I don’t know I could handle watching this if I were you – I think I’d be down the pub trying not to think about it. Sort of getting the operation done under a general, thanks.
Jolisa, in reply to
Oh, I was expecting a thousand or so helium balloons.
But crane-type-things and big trucks, equally cool. Any chance of some reaction shots of young Bob?
It’s like a fulfilment of the ultimate dadjoke fantasy
Hee hee, too true. “May I take a shower?” Yes, as long as you take it all the way to Dunsandel…
Plus: I’ve heard of open homes, but this is ridiculous.
JacksonP, in reply to
Plus: I’ve heard of open homes, but this is ridiculous.
You see, I’m glad it’s not just me that sees this as a plethora of puns just waiting to be cut in half, loaded on a truck, and moved to the country.
I’ll take the low road, while you take the high road?
Guts and mud; and glory will soon be yours. Congratulations to you and your family for seeing this plan through. (A great experience for the children too: a patch of dirt, water and some battered old trucks will keep them amused for hours after this example.)
Round about now might be a great time to show Bob Up if he hasn’t seen it already? All the best!
Sara Bee, in reply to
David Haywood, in reply to
ear God, I don’t know I could handle watching this if I were you – I think I’d be down the pub trying not to think about it. Sort of getting the operation done under a general, thanks.
I’m giving your suggestion serious consideration at this point…
Jolisa, in reply to
I’ll take the low road, while you take the high road?
Keep on truckin’
Jolisa, in reply to
I’m giving your suggestion serious consideration at this point…
Those beers had bloody better be on the house.
I wonder. Was this done under re placement insurance?
Or maybe it was CERA? Crane Evacuating Residents Abode.
Hebe, in reply to
About now is the “what the fuck have I done” phase of the process. It gets better, promise.
All is not lost: the Dunsandel Store/Cafe sells a decent pie.
Is Piko still trading? Thought they lost their building?
Hebe, in reply to
Piko moved to Stanmore Road for a year or three. The old part of the Kilmore Street building is down; the new part survived, just.
Seeing that roof swinging in the air makes me very, very nervous. And David has left us in suspense for two hours now….
I hope it all goes very, very smoothly, David et al. The weather gods look as though they will be kind to you for the next few days.
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