Posts by Hadyn Green

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  • Speaker: Who is the bigger dick?,

    I seem to recall the odd talk-back caller going on about how he spent too much time in front of the mirror as a cause

    I think we can agree that sports talk-back is all dicks, all the time.

    You have obviously not been in the company of a bunch of women at the rugby on a Friday night after work then :)

    I think i was trying to get at the fact that he will either be judged as a sportsman or a pretty boy, but never at the same time. And never beyond a fawning devotion. Whereas with the female tennis players the two seemed intertwined.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mo' Indexing,

    When the data is dealt with as a whole, you weight it so your oversampling doesn't distort your picture of 'NZ as a whole'.

    yeah, that's what I tried to write in a rather glib way.

    Having just checked our stuff, what you do is weight the over-sampled sub-populations with the inverse of the probability of their selection.

    So for example: if Pakeha have a 1/1000 chance of selection thier weighting is 1000 and if you over-sample Pasifika at 2/1000 then their weight is 500.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mo' Indexing,

    Whatever people think of Anderton, he does listen to evidence.

    Maybe with drugs but not with fisheries.

    You hope... The data may have been weighted at that stage, or they may have done the weighting themselves, I wouldn't be prepared to put money on it though

    Wait? What are they weighting? (see what I did there?)

    You usually over-sample parts of a population in order to achieve a large enough number of that part to do later analysis on. We do it all the time here at...the place that I work.

    Why would you over-sample and then weight the results as well? (I suppose, he says answering his own question, if your over-sampling results in a very skewed sample)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Play by Discretion,

    And now we don't have to worry/complain so much. 3-1 series victory.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Play by Discretion,

    I also don't understand the Vettori-bashing.

    Isn't that what we want in our sports captains? Some passion for the game and their team. I would've been more concerned if he had just sat back and sulked or just shrugged it off.

    Maybe all his f-bombs fired up the team to win? (or scared them into winning)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Play by Discretion,

    The unique character of cricket in this respect is demonstrated by the fact that a captain can call back a player who has been adjudged out. Is there another international sport that provides for this kind of thing?

    In American football you are asked if you want to accept or decline each penalty against your opposition. Though the penalty is usually only declined if play was more advantageous anyway.

    In regular football (soccer) isn't there some kind of "code" about throwing the ball back in to the opposition if one of their team is injured?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Play by Discretion,

    My fiance doesn't even like sport and he was still trying to find a clip which he could slow down to see what Vettori was really saying.

    I think it's pretty clear at full speed. Slowed down it would be "FFFFFAAAAARRRRKKKKYYYWWUUUU" :)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Play by Discretion,

    all this talk of relative ball motion and refs just makes one wonder what happens when they all start moving close to the speed of light .....

    Wait a minute...if they are traveling at or close to the speed of light and then they throw it forward then the ball will be going faster than the speed of light (much like the old "train" thought problem).

    Basically: any speed added to c (the speed of light) equals c. This means that as the players reach the speed o light they can never throw a forward pass as the ball can never travel faster than them with respect to (or "wrt" as we used to write) the ground.

    So if the Flash ever played rugby he would only ever throw flat line balls.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Play by Discretion,

    all this talk of relative ball motion and refs just makes one wonder what happens when they all start moving close to the speed of light .....

    As player speed reaches c (the speed of light) everyone will look like they are playing for Wales/Tonga or France/Samoa (due to red/blueshift) depending on which way they are heading.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    And the Sun keeps it classy as always by describing them as being at the centre of "sex allegations", and consistently referring to the girl by her profession. Charming.

    Yeah I noticed that too. From the Sun:

    The players involved feel under pressure and angry. They are single guys who said they did nothing wrong.

    Apparently though they are angry at management for "gagging" them so they can't claim their innocence. I'm thinking "bullshit" but I don't know if I'm ready to call it yet.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

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