Posts by Danielle
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The Herald:
A sobbing Tony Veitch rang the Herald on Sunday.... Zoe Veitch... 'I am begging that both media and public back off'.
Then Stuff:
Just two hours before police took Tony Veitch back to Hamilton's central police station for treatment yesterday after his latest suicide bid, the shamed broadcaster sent a desperate text message to Sunday News.
Um. Can no one who cares perhaps confiscate the man's cellphone? The only people he appears to be contacting are journalists.
This is all like some horribly bleak, sub- Private Eye satire. Media celeb organises media blitz to slam media for media coverage and/or lack of same.
Heh. Well put. I must say, these past few days have been something else.
This from Stuff is, I assume, more from the Veitch PR team:
Kristin Dunne-Powell inquired about a TVNZ job which would have involved promoting Tony Veitch at a time she said she was living in fear of him.
The whole article is foul, because its underlying implications are all 'she was trying to stay with him and still loved him, so the abuse clearly wasn't that bad'. Y'see, abused people often *do* still love their abusers. They often *do* still try to reconcile with them. That's partially why domestic abuse is really fucking horrible.
Also: he still fractured her back. Dance around it all you want, question her motivations in the newspapers all you want, but he still did that. End of.
Oh, and the Herald characterises his farewell email to her in November 2006 as 'gentle but firm'. Does anyone have a bucket?
My fondness for braaaaaaaains is not in dispute. Make of that fact what you will.
Two things about the Campbell interviews, which I've now seen:
1. Gosh, Dunne-Powell was really calm and eloquent. I was very impressed by her.
2. When Veitch said that he wasn't 'allowed to walk away' that night, I got just a tad, um, completely infuriated.
I think everyone bar the judges had already had a "taste" to get her on the stage
That's how all those shows work. I remember reading that American Idol contestants, for example, are weeded into three groups before the judges even lay eyes on them. The middle group - the unexceptional ones - never see the judges at all, while the other two groups - 'good singers' and 'deluded/crazy/taking the piss people' get to go to the audition room we see on the telly. In some cases, the producers use what I call The Old Switcheroo Effect - someone you think is going to be part of the deluded group actually turns out to be pretty fabulous. The Old Switcheroo Effect makes more sense in a Britain's Got Talent scenario (although in the latest season of American Idol a comedian who was clearly taking the piss made it all the way to the top 24 - he was a good singer, oddly enough).
In sum: I know I was manipulated out the wazoo with that clip of Elizabeth Boyle, but I still bawled. :)
Veitch: ick. (Is that slanderous?)
Fff, Danielle, you didn't make the boat, either. I'm starting to think you don't really exist.
Argh. Please don't mention the boat. It's a source of neverending regret (but I had a really good reason, honestly). I think Russell is deliberately timing these things to coincide with my other commitments. It's a plot! A plot I say!
(I do exist IRL, though, because someone originally from Italy is my Facebook friend. And Kyle went to school with me! Didn't you, Kyle?)
I keep walking past the big box set of Sapphire and Steel in Whitcoulls and just not being sure if I dare. I don't remember the plots but I do remember the fear.
Yes! Although I saw a clip of one episode within the last few years and couldn't quite work out why that show was so spooky. Unless it was Joanna Lumley's amazing bowl haircut...
Have fun, you lot. I can't come, because I am pathetically writing a Dumb Library School assignment, due tomorrow. Which I haven't started. Naturally.
Time management skills: I do not haz them.
a high-level Master of the Obvious
Sam, I would like to buy the rights to that phrase as a variant title for my biopic.
I think it would be fine if people came dressed as their avatars.
Great. Now I have to find a chihuahua in a tuxedo.
Just In: Phil Spector has been found guilty of murder.
That dude has been unstable for forty years. I remember reading he made Ronnie drive with a life-size male dummy in the passenger seat of her car so no other guy would try to pick her up. And didn't he threaten practically everyone in the studio with a gun? John Lennon, the Ramones... yeesh.
I say we all wear monocles.