Hard News: Why we thought what we thought
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The inference in Cameron Slater’s email that blogger and lawyer Cathy Odgers had any influence over that column is risible.
So it is reasonable to infer that Fran and Cathy Odgers were in communication?
Didn’t Hanover Finance sponsor our weather ?
…and promise to withstand it!
nevermind…Wind-sock puppets perhaps?
Dismal Soyanz, in reply to
Wind-up sock puppets?
If there is one thing that comes out of this that is positive I am hoping that no journalist will take anything that Cameron Slater says at face value.
This is sickening.How on earth can anyone justify dealing with him after this?
John Key was in regular contact with Slater.
Its mind boggling -
Ian Dalziel, in reply to
Wind-up sock puppets?
tick tock sick shock poppets…
;- ) -
Have a listen to this Hooten v Boag exchange if you haven’t already…
Go to seven day catch up audio player, Sunday, 10.15…
My guess is that Hooten is being so critical of people he sees as either involved in this stuff, or to be minimising it, or both, because he knows worse is to come?
The Ruminator, in reply to
I understand he’s pissed because he believes they’re now messing with his business (I would post a link that I just wrote saying that but Russell has been very good to me so I don’t want to linkwhore away from his site).
stephen clover, in reply to
Go to seven day catch up audio player, Sunday, 10.15…
Listen from about 10:09 until end of the hour! It’s all great stuff…
BenWilson, in reply to
he believes they’re now messing with his business
Which business?
Sacha, in reply to
link away, I say. We’re used to reading stuff and coming back to discuss it.
The Ruminator, in reply to
His PR business – Exceltium.
link away, I say.
How long until someone pings Odgers to the Law Society.
Not of good character and repute sounds like it fits. -
John McFadgen, in reply to
That’s a startling, post Rum, even with the range of revelations flowing at present. Had my eyebrows up in my hairline as I read! If those details are as Hooton outlined them, it’s accurate to call the culture in Key’s office corrupt.
If Slater gord rogue against Key, it’s all on.
Jeez – “goes rogue” !!
andin, in reply to
Which business?
PR. Or to get away from acronyms Public Relations. Is that a business??
Bugger me!
Too many people are getting paid far too much, for just moving their mouths and sounds comes out, which are pleasing to the ears of a certain sector of the population.
Get a Job …you lazy arse mofos. Who trusts Michelle Boag or Hooton?? -
Geez I go off to Burning Man for a week and it all goes to pot – woohoo! If it looks like National are going to lose it’s going to turn into outright civil war as they fight for the right to be the successor to the crown no one will notice the left forming a new government. Maybe National need to put more people on their list just in case they run out.
Kracklite, in reply to
Wow, Hooton neck deep in a sewage pond splashing about frantically trying to drive away the floating turds. Sorry, has everyone eaten already?
Bruce Thorpe, in reply to
That defence by Edwards caught my attention, too.
We need a formal government Inquiry to unravel this horrifying mess, and punish those responsible.
CJM, in reply to
He’s got houses to buy. Quite a few by the sounds of it:
http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/thepanel/audio/20146441/the-panel-with-brian-edwards-and-rosemary-mc-leod-part-1 -
So basically, a bunch of finance company directors stole money from NZ investors, and their mates in the National Party were complicit in bullying the SFO to help them wriggle out of their accountability for this. Not to mention several of these National Party people taking money to help out.
I wonder how this will play with the fleeced investors, most of whom will be lifetime voters for that very same National Party.
Labour and or the Greens should be promising legislation to make finance company directors retrospectively accountable and watching National standing up for their mates and contributors against ordinary NZers.
I think at this point it’s salient to recall what was happening in the campaign during the last election.
At this point in the last election campaign, the police were threatening to order search warrants for TV3, The Herald on Sunday, RadioNZ et al – over a complaint by the Prime Minister. Over a digital recording inadvertently made in a public space literally during a media stunt put on for the press – a figurative media circus.
The Police intruded upon our fourth estate during an election campaign over one of the most trivial complaints imaginable.
And this time around?Not so much.
Trevor Nicholls, in reply to
We need a formal government Inquiry to unravel this horrifying mess, and punish those responsible.
Of course only a government that didn’t need such an inquiry would be prepared to hold one.
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