Southerly: Tower Insurance Have Some Bad News For You
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I’m sorry. My heart goes out to you (and, I’m sure, others in Christchurch in the same boat) who have to deal with this on top of everything you’ve already suffered.
I may have to do some shouting. Loudly.
i am aghast.
Tower does realise that this is why people hate insurance companies, surely?
That just sucks. Sending virtual hugs to you all {{{{}}}}
Hmmm, that had been exactly my theory for the insurance of my house, all four corners perched precisely within the WCC’s “rupture zone”, which was disappointly realigned accordingly shortly after my acquisition. Is there a deal to be done here: you take the Govt’s land value, which Tower tops up to your 2007 valuation, if less than the cost of requiring Tower to rebuild your house to its former glory, which is your entitlement and determination otherwise to establish as the Haywood Memorial?
Wow. I’m guessing you won’t be the only person in this boat, but that’s no comfort.
And this is how insurance companies make their money: by taking people’s premiums, then wriggling out of paying when disaster strikes. The entire industry is based on the systematic defrauding of their customers.
That surprises me. Jackie Johnson on Nine to Noon this morning was very reassuring:
Interview with Jackie Johnson on Nine to Noon
Maybe you should get in touch with Radio NZ and offer an interview with your experiences?
Note: I’m not sure if Tower are part of the IAG brand (they have lots of brands in NZ) -
Key and Brownlee need to explain this today.
I may just have yelled two words the BSA wouldn’t be very happy about, in Cuba Mall. So sorry, darling.
oh david, this is wrong, so very very wrong and so scary.
insurance companies, they really know how to screw you at times, and it’s always when you are at your most vulnerable -
if the house is repairable, you could pay to move it to another location?
OK, I think I’ll be removing my business from Tower and explaining why.
Good old insurance companies … they’ll do anything to wangle out of their contractual responsibilities. All power to your loudhailer and I’m sure Tower’ll live to regret trying to tangle with you. There must be lots of others in the same situation so I hope the collective yell gets heard asap. Love and hugs.
Craig Ranapia, in reply to
Key and Brownlee need to explain this today.
Good old insurance companies … they’ll do anything to wangle out of their contractual responsibilities.
Really? I’ve talked to other people who’ve had (relatively) painless dealings with their insurance companies – because I don’t accept that it’s inevitable insurance carriers must be douchebags. They decide to be, and saying otherwise is letting the bastards off the hook.
Mmmm my existing contract rolled over on the 18th which is a shame. I’ll have to wait a whole year to tell them to get stuffed.
My experience with Tower was that they were so fucking incompetent they had to be asked three times to invoice me properly. I am sorry to hear that this doesn’t stop them being cold-bloodedly evil to boot. One might have hoped.
don’t give up, get angry!
Sounds like lawyer time. So sorry, and so angry. I can’t think of anything that fits the description of a write-off better than a house you must vacate so that it can be bulldozed.
Key and Brownlee need to explain this today.
Because this is fundamental to yesterday’s announcements. Clarification required.
That stinks, David.
I trust something much better is forthcoming.I dropped Tower some years ago, when they refused to honour the policy that covered my office equipment (3 machines – on 2 different power-points- were blatted by lightning. Yes, they all had safety cutout switches – but that didnt count with Tower. Act of God apparently. And, they were in a room not solely devoted to working – which wasnt a matter raised by their rep when I bought the policy.)
James Butler, in reply to
I don’t accept that it’s inevitable insurance carriers must be douchebags. They decide to be, and saying otherwise is letting the bastards off the hook.
I specifically decided on AMI for our insurance, because of significant anecdata suggesting that they were less like this than other companies (certainly my parents never had a good word for State). So apparently in the insurance world, the alternative to asshattery is insolvency. Great.
I notice that Tower don’t have much of a following on Twitter!/TOWERnz
They’d presumably welcome a bit of community-building feedback. -
James Butler, in reply to
I can’t think of anything that fits the description of a write-off better than a house you must vacate so that it can be bulldozed.
Perhaps it will qualify as a write-off after it’s been bulldozed?
here’s the thing for all the bad stories about tower you’ll get the same for other insurance companies. I think vero is the one trying to weasel out of business interruption insurance payouts for anyone in the cbd
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