Up Front: After the Big Gay Revolution
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Careful Emma, someone could get hurt on that sarcasm
I always found ice cold water straightened me up.
I thought it was ’being nice to your kids will make them hetero’.
I was in a school yard the other day, and I overheard some kids saying “Woman, that is so straight. You are such a hetero.”
So, of course, like any right-minded person, I told them off. We have to stamp out that kind of offensive language.
Careful Emma, someone could get hurt on that sarcasm
Bring the sarcasm. How else should we respond?
I think the best quote so far from someone on the news was ‘just because two things happen at the same time, doesn’t mean they’re related.’ You’re kidding me?
There goes my theory that it was Demi More sitting on Letterman’s lap that caused the oil spill. I mean it’s all about divine retribution, innit?
I think the best quote so far from someone on the news was ‘just because two things happen at the same time, doesn’t mean they’re related.’ You’re kidding me?
You’re telling me we can’t solve global warming by all becoming pirates? Damn.
Bring the sarcasm. How else should we respond?
Explaining to the hackocracy one more time the distinction between correlation and causation, and how one does not imply the other? Oh, wait a mo’ – that’s a complete waste of time. Carry on.
The “straight coach” of a boys rugby team was flawed sarcasm. The sacked guy was a female netball team coach who was gay. The uncomfortable analogy would have a straight man coaching a girls netball team. I think I’d prefer the gay coach in that instance.
Explaining to the hackocracy one more time the distinction between correlation and causation
Sometimes correlation doesn’t even mean correlation.
Sarcasm aside, this stuff is quite sinister, when you see how it is being wielded by certain groups. It has lead me to some truly hideous & frightening stuff. What a mixed up crazy world we live in. Yes, we should try and counter such ignorance. Any ideas how?
I’m just still aghast that this researcher has discovered that we beat our gay children far more than our straight ones. She’s obviously highlighted a nasty homophobic streak in NZ society.
(what was that relation between causation and correlation again?)
There goes my theory that it was Demi More sitting on Letterman’s lap that caused the oil spill. I mean it’s all about divine retribution, innit?
Boobs. Earthquakes. Sayin’.
Did the earth move for you too Russell?
It’s a bit more than sarcasm. I view it as cultural jamming, a deliberate move to subvert the frames within which those stories are told.
steven: considered what?
admitting what?
Admit One – just the ticket…
…Back in the day (the ’70s) we had Gay Liberation
badges at Resistance Bookshop (Chch) saying
“How dare you assume I’m Heterosexual!”
or words to that effect…The Press letters column continues to be polarised on the Middleton Grunge sacking event…
one can hear duelling banjos on the Easterly… -
Hey Steven, until you make your next post, your post number matches the year you joined.
Is this it?
The Press letters column continues to be polarised on the Middleton Grunge sacking event…
For the last couple of weeks, we’ve been sporadically having somebody else’s Press delivered to our front lawn. So I sort of accidentally read the Letters section.
What I find wearing is the people saying, “What was he expecting, going to work at a Christian school?” ie he was asking for it, really. As if he had deliberately chosen Middleton Grange from the wide range of employment options for professional high-school netball coaches. (This I find very difficult to get my head around in itself. What kind of school has more than one paid netball coach?)
But nothing made me as furious as the teaser TV3 used for the research story, which was “Does something nasty make you gay?” Whoever wrote that and thought it was okay needs to go sit in the corner of Urge and think about what they’ve done.
Whoever wrote that and thought it was okay needs to go sit in the corner of Urge and think about what they’ve done.
I be likin’ that idea.
What I find wearing is the people saying, “What was he expecting, going to work at a Christian school?” ie he was asking for it, really.
I dunno, the letter this morning complaining that we put up with the public schools and their evolution and abortion for ten year olds was a touch more than wearing. Also the ones complaining that the problem wasn’t that he was gay, it was that he wasn’t Christian enough. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
But nothing made me as furious as the teaser TV3 used for the research story, which was “Does something nasty make you gay?” Whoever wrote that and thought it was okay needs to go sit in the corner of Urge and think about what they’ve done.
No – they need to have “The Topp Twins are cunts” carved in their foreheads just before they’re trussed up and thrown into the middle of the dance floor on dyke night.
What I find wearing is the people saying, “What was he expecting, going to work at a Christian school?”
I could unpick the gorgeous tapestry of bullshit that statement weaves, but life is too short and the people who need to be lobotomised with a brass-tipped awl are never going to read PAS anyway…
I could unpick the gorgeous tapestry of bullshit that statement weaves, but life is too short and the people who need to be lobotomised with a brass-tipped awl are never going to read PAS anyway…
Sad but true – I’ve had the same reaction when hearing various people opine that missing mother Carmen Thomas couldn’t have really been a genuinely responsible parent, if she was she certainly wouldn’t be in that line of work…
I’m glad the Herald has settled on calling her a “woman”, though, after swinging wildly for two weeks in its headlines between “escort” and “mum”.
between “escort” and “mum”.
TV3 news used the word ‘escort’ four times in one of their items on her. I counted. Are there any other occupations that become the identifier like that?
@Craig, Sam F, Gio: why don’t the guilty parties just admit that they’re trying to exhume the Mazengarb Report?
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