Up Front: P.A. Story
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I refuse to suggest character names to you, after this.
Emma Hart, in reply to
Dude. I gave you Richard Kahui and Richie McCaw, and you’re holding a grudge?
Okay. So we have one character called Megan now…
Megan Wegan, in reply to
Then, if I may suggest two more. Richard and Richie.
A redemption story. That must include an object quest that isn’t a Piece of Jewellery or a Trophy.
Also, and in seriousness, as I said to you when you told me your idea, this reminds me of when your Mum was in the hospice, and I was trying to help, and you asked for a story. The tweeps gave me a line each, which I then texted to you to make you laugh.
That, more than anything else, is the story I tell when people ask me why I bother with Twitter. Because it worked.
In the red zone from ill planned borrowing undermining a country’s stability and keeping left wing politics alight, people look to heroes to bring them all back to black in world competition, removing inequality on the level playing field and eliminating racism. Yes: a fantasy.
This time he really wanted to win that bet……..
Emma this is a wonderful wonderful idea. Just to clarify, you mean CBD Red Zone, or Red Zoned suburbs?
And probably OT, but I just saw a drainlayer’s truck with this written on the side: “ALWAYS IN THE S@#*! ONLY THE DEPTH VARIES.” Which sort of sums up the last 10 months here….
I think the quest object should be a body part – hero’s pinky, saint’s winky…
Emma Hart, in reply to
St Richie’s winky?
Whatever the story, I think you should have a ref dressed in pink with a whistle.
It would speak to the sporting bent of many here, the important role of moderators, the need to understand the ‘rules of engagement’, and the symbolic support of things like breast cancer, disability awareness and generally men wearing pink.
I’m not volunteering, by the way. Hadyn maybe?
Emma Hart, in reply to
Emma this is a wonderful wonderful idea. Just to clarify, you mean CBD Red Zone, or Red Zoned suburbs?
I was thinking CBD Red Zone, but I’m happy for people to take the phrase “Red Zone” anywhere they want.
Wait… No, feck it. Whatever.
Emma Hart, in reply to
Hadyn, check. Ref, pink, whistle, well-cut trousers flattering his surprisingly excellent arse…
Given the hash tag, at least one of the cast should be wearing a dog collar.
I was going to say there are usually two kinds of red zone – the (labelled-)deadly-dangerous sort or the priviledged-access sort that still needs someone to clean the loos and maintain all that red paint.
But I’m quite taken by the idea of an areas designated for redheads.
There’s already two different sorts of Christchurch one. I suggesting setting it in every red zone we can think of.
recordari, in reply to
Hadyn, check. Ref, pink, whistle, well-cut trousers flattering his surprisingly excellent arse…
After losing two to the big effing C in the past 24 hours, you managed to make me laugh way sooner than I expected. So the story goes…
Megan Wegan, in reply to
But I’m quite taken by the idea of an areas designated for redheads.
There’s already one of those. It’s my house.
setting it in every red zone we can think of
Right, Emma, now you have to mention a mooncup.
Could there be a manatee in there somewhere, maybe swimming up the Avon? (Sort of like a stranded penguin). I’d also like an angel and some good karma (ie a happy story). But that’s just me.
Emma Hart, in reply to
But I’m quite taken by the idea of an areas designated for redheads.
We’re using this! I mean, Megan, Hadyn, and a designated redhead area? Cannot pass this up.
Greg: would you care to be more specific about ‘what kind of dog collar’, or shall I just… “use my judgement”?
Emma Hart, in reply to
Jesus frack. Okay…
Emma Hart, in reply to
A manatee that’s an angel. Right.
I was about to ask whether the story was expected to be SFW, but … silly me.
Megan Wegan, in reply to
Jesus frack. Okay…
Also, one character may have to make mention of “biting off more than you can chew” at this point.
Megan Wegan, in reply to
Greg: would you care to be more specific about ‘what kind of dog collar’, or shall I just… “use my judgement”?
How about alternate histories? One Chch in which the earthquakes never happened, and one in which they did. The alternate realities increasingly interact with each other, leading to a catastrophic apocalypse unless the Talsiman (St Richie’s Winky) is be returned to the stadium.
A manatee that’s an angel. Right.
Cp South Park God. It would probably be symbolic of something-or-other if there was a vistiation from an angel and it just shuffled about blobbily and made huffing noises.
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