Hard News: Public Address founder “refutes” Word of the Year reports
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You said cockwomble <snort>
Russell Brown, in reply to
You said cockwomble <snort>
I totally did!
Is a hyphenated word, one word or two?
Hey at least Taika can take heart from having written and/or directed that Moana movie. Read it in the newspaper, must be truthy.
This was rigged, man. Bigly rigged.
Hebe, in reply to
Got to be hyphenated.
I’d like to start a movement to make next year’s word of the year muffnut as both a new food (cross between a doughnut and a muffin) and a gender neutral insult.
eg. Russell is such a muffnut
Yay! I’m delighted to be a winner. Thanks, Russell.
Also, I’m totally taking this as an omen for 2017.
Public Address founder “refutes” Word of the Year reports
This must be the post-truth truth post.
If I never see NounMcNounface again, I will be exceedingly happy.
I’m glad to have made my contribution to the winner, and I’m sad that one of my alternate choices, “skux”, didn’t quite make it.
hopefully next year’s will be the Nats “winter of discontent”
fascinating result!
I’ve been reading some newspapers from earlier in the year. Did we have Mossack Fonseca/Panama Papers/foreign trust in the original list? Popular NZ-related words for several months. A great deal of post-truth involved too.
This has to be bullshit.
“I refute that entirely. You don’t even know how hard I’m refuting that. Really hard.”
after all, your refutation is on the line….
I thought Guyon Espiner was in a strange mood today…
like his heart really wasn’t in it, he was all prickly and dismissive or combative – maybe a break will do him good… -
post-eh? but then I struggled with post-modern.
But I wish we could be post-fuckwittery.
maybe its because being first past the post
is so important nowadays.
Post-day isnt that night? -
A tremendous result for a tremendous bunch of people.
cockwomble is a very good word.
Well done to all the winners, but I’ve just noticed that the “publicaddress.net” domain name is registered to a Mr Russelski Brownovich in Skopje, Macedonia. When he asked you for your postal address and credit card details…Well…
I respect the truth. Some of my best friends tell the truth. No one has more respect for the truth than me. I love the truth. Sometimes twice in a night. All the truth.
I know truths. I have the best truths.
FletcherB, in reply to
Is a hyphenated word, one word or two?
The clue is in the (singular) name… post-truth is not a hyphenated words is it?
I won the popular vote by a landslide, if you wipe out all the muffnuts (thanks Bart) who voted illegally.
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